Thursday, July 18, 2013

Punto Made a Memorial to the Life of Trayvon Martin

PuntoTres is upset that George Zimmerman was not convited of murdering that nig of Trayvon Martin...  That nig of Punto tres has been throwing doodoo around at the Asian tourists on Dr Moreau's island and has been robbing tourists to celebrate Treyvon Martin's life!!!!!!  That nig also set up this memorial of Trayvon Martin's life that includes an outline of that nig of Trayvon Martin's corpse made of Skittles and an empty can of beer!!!  Dr Moreau is getting upset because now there are Skittles all over the ground on the island and herds of rats have been feasting on them, scaring away the tourists!!


Kurt said...

Punto, where did you get the Skittles you used to make that outline of Trayvon Martin's body? I bet you stole them, didn't you???

Steve said...

PuntoTres, did you read about those racist niggers who picked the wrong victim for a round of the "knockout game" Luckily, their "victim" was armed with a pocketknife, which he used to stab one of those spades to death and the other one was seriously injured.

Not surprisingly, the mother of the negroid who lived claims her son was racially profiled, although it seems clear that her scumbag son was the one doing the racial profiling: