Tuesday, August 30, 2011

PuntoTres 'Booty Warrior' video

Captain Cracker has discovered this prison interview of that nig of PunotTres!!! in this clip punto says that he is a 'booty warrior' and likes sex with other prison inmates. he goes by tne name 'fleece johnson' in this video.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Mobile Nigger Incinerator!!!

Dr Moreau has invented a machine to handle smelly nigs!!! Dr Moreau's invention is a 'mobile nigger incinerator' and can be used to incinerate a car full of nigs !! the incinerator mounts on top of a pickup truck or any other sturdy automobile. it fires a laser beam at an intended target to obliterate any nigs in its path. the laser reacts with the awful odor of nigs to incinerate them, so whites, asians and others need not worry!!!!!! it also includes GPS technology to locate nigs from their smell signatures!!!!!!! buy one today for only $21,599!!!!!! the device will pay for itself in terms of decreased crime and increased property values with nigs out of the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!