Thursday, July 25, 2013

Chef Jeremy Miller is Selling Nigger Cakes!

Chef Jeremy Miller has come up with a new dessert recipe for the Asian tourists to Dr Moreau's island!!  Jeremy Miller has created nigger cakes from LNA's French family recipe!!!  Dr Moreau was upset when Asian tourists ate several nigs on the island, including Punto's cousin.  So Dr Moreau paid Jeremey Miller to cook the nigger cakes and hopes that the tourists will eat the cakes instead of more of his nig slaves.  The nig of PuntoTres is breathing a sigh of relief now...


xao li chen said...

Hi! Hi! Xao li loves French delicacies as much as she loves eating true nigs...xao li is happy and will come again to the island this summer...Punto nigga is too dirty to be eaten but some other niggas would be good to eat cooked with lots of Asian sauce....Hi! Hi!

Kurt said...

Punto, you are an Uncle Tom! I bet you would have been a House Negro and would have gladly brought those cakes to your slaveowner and said, "Here Massah, enjoys!!!"

Steve said...

Punto, why are you so ugly, lazy, and stupid? What fuels your virulent racism?

PuntoTres said...

yo, i gots ta steal me some of dese nigger caked!!!! i iz a muthafucka!!!! i takes what i wants becauze i iz too lazy to works. i hates whitey and blame everyone for ma awful odor and low IQ!!!!!!

lna said...

Back in the days before the immigrants impose their law in my country, we had a famous pastry called "niggerhead" as well as liquoris candies of the same name portraying heads of nigs...but since many spades complained about that, the name of the pastry was changed and the candies production had to stop and portray something else...
just enter "tête de nègre" in google image if you want to see...

Punto Nig said...

i done made a doookie in my pants after eating ribs and chitlins......... ha i iz stinkin up da ape house where i lives!!! i has down syndrome and iz retarded. i be on welfare and food stamp and trade dem fo crack rock.!!!!

Steve said...

Why do niggers smell like shit and have such nasty b.o.???? Maybe your people should focus more on showering and less on eating KFC and scoring crack rock!!

Anonymous said...

Lna, good to see your are still around my friend. I bet that lazy nig Punto is probably smoking crack and eating his feces while hanging out with other bums at his precious boardwalk on Venice beach!

ROCCO said...

Does anyone know if Punto has ever been raped, then dookied on by mongoloid superman Chris Burke?

Kurt said...

Hey Punto, please confirm that the shirt you wear to work at your Los Angeles public school is stained with grape soda, Cheetos, and KFC barbeque sauce. Couldn't you at least dress professionally for your job once in awhile? You are an absolute disgrace...

lna said...

Dear Rocco, it's nice to see you's been so are you doing my friend ?
As you can see, that nig continues to be obsessed by us...he recently stalked us back on imdb like he did in the past...the cartoons he makes to ridiculize his owns are so funny that we can't help from posting there...he posts under NUMEROUS identities and created a bunch of new funny characters...what a psycho !

Etienne Matins said... favorite abortionist. Such a pity that your mother did not have the same idea.

lna said...

That "idea" should run through nigger's head as their kids never have time to know who their father is....but their IQ is too low to think of it...
How does it feel to be a bastard Punto ?

Steve said...

Punto, did you read about that racist nigger in New York City who yelled "I hate white people" and then beat a random old white man to death? Where is the outrage from you and the rest of the jigs out there? You were up in arms when Trayvon Martin, a worthless black scumbag and wannabe gangbanger was shot in self-defense, yet you say nothing when a negroid commits a racially-motivated attack on a white law-abiding productive member of society. You and the rest of the black community are a disgrace!

Kurt said...

Punto, herpes-infected monkeys are terrorizing Florida! Are you related to any of the monkeys mentioned in this article, you donkey-raping shit-eater?

Dusty said...

I suspect that Kurt Stein will soon be zapped again. Such a pity!

Kurtis said...

Punto, why are you such a virulent racist and why do you blame Whites, Asians, Mexicans, etc., for all of the failures in your life, such as your low IQ, lack of income, homosexuality, etc.?

You are a disgrace to your species of ape!

Kurt said...

Punto, you should take this Jewish guy up on his offer to give blacks free rides back to Africa! This was hilarious:

I bet you would have gotten that boat after hearing the offer of free sunflower seeds, Kool-Aid, watermelon, and fried chicken!

Dusty said...


PuntoTres said...

yo, my IQ iz 37. i gots a job wif da los angeles school becuz dey gots ta hire nigs or i will be riotin' and shit, muthafucka!!!!!!! i gots ta go to da KFC every dey to gits my fried chicken and i eats it wif grape soda. i want to return to africa to swing from da vines wif da other apes like me!!!!1 ha ha!!!! i iz a muthafucka!!!!!

lna said...

If only Ari Shaffir could come in my country with his boat to ship those dirty niggers spreading like bunnies back to Africa...I'm not a white supremacist but...enuff is enuff...

Steve said...

Punto, did you see the video of the biker gang of niggers and dirty Puerto Ricans or Domincans who harassed the Asian man driving on the highway in New York City?

Steve said...

Punto, look at this video of a vile obese nigger woman stealing a nice Asian woman's purse. The other nig who recorded this video didn't bother to help the Asian victim, although I am not surprised.

Anonymous said...

Does Punto get this greasy afro trimmed at Fantastic Sambo's hair salon?