Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Punto's Mama

Captain Cracker has found a picture of the mother of that nig of PuntoTres!!!!  she went to a pharmacy to attempt to purchase crack cocaine, but was disappointed when they told her they didn't sell crack!!!!  She was mad because her son Punto used to purchase her drugs to smoke before Captain Cracker captured him and sold him to Dr. Moreau at the Atlanta slave auction.  Punto's mamma was happy when she left the pharmacy after she learned that the pharmacy sold herpes medicine to treat the inflammation on her dirty vagina!!!!


Kurt said...

Punto, why does your mom dress like a circus freak? Was this photo taken on Halloween or do the women of your species normally dress like this in the 'hood?

Captain Cracker said...

Aye, ye're a fine pegboy, Kurt, me laddie!

Steve said...

Punto, did you read about all of those niggers who were attacking whites in Chicago this past weekend? What a worthless race of people! Do those sub-human negroids provide any utility to mankind???

James Holmes said...

Steve, do you go the movies much?

Steve said...

Punto, there is a world of difference between one crazy white kid and hundreds of racist black kids rampaging through a city attacking people while "wilding" and "keepin' it real." One crazy white kid is an outlier, whereas hundreds of black hooligans are par for the course.

Kurt said...

Damn Punto, another racist black tried to murder random people at a San Jose Wal-Mart:

That's another one who needs to be sent to Dr. Moreau's island!

lna said...

Punto, I see you have brought back your blog...what a surprise !
Niggers in France are getting wilder and wilder...animal instinct never sleeps...

A Concerned Citizen said...

Kurt, why do you hide behind the "Steve" appellation? I see you, Screech!

Kurt said...

Punto, you are a moron and an embarrassment to your species of ape! Do you post messages while sitting in a tree on Dr. Moreau's island? Does your computer operate on solar power?

Dustin said...

Screech, can you not come up with any new retorts? You're boring.

Kurt said...

Punto, please confirm that your mom is a "nappy headed ho"!

Aunt Jemima said...

'sup nigga? punto, it be yo mama, Aunt Jemima. U iz a ugly chimp-lookin muthafucka!!!!! i only hads u to get welfare payment from da gubment so dat i can pays for da KFC and grape soda i likes. i hate u, dumbass nigga!!!!!

Kurt said...

Punto, did you see a picture of the hideous woman who was married to Roger Ebert? She looks like a silverback gorilla!,,20688468,00.html

Nig Nog said...

PuntoTres, do you have any idea how much money is wasted on the nig community? The cost for welfare payments, the damage caused by nig crime, and the cost for incarcerating nigs must be in the tens of billions every year!

Why can't nigs evolve into civilized human beings? Why must they remain in the ape stage?

Kurt said...

Punto, have you noticed that the dumbest students in college tend to major in Mickey Mouse disciplines such as "African-American Studies"? Why even bother wasting the money to get a degree in that?