Sunday, May 5, 2013

Old Picture of Punto

Captain Cracker has found an old picture of that nig of Punto Tres!!!!!!  here is a photo that was taken from that nig's 2-nd grade yearbook!!!!  Punto added his own caption and looks upset and wants everyone to know that the watermelon he is greedily eating is all his!!!


Kurt said...

Punto, you look so greedy in that photo! I bet you have a similar look on your face when you eat KFC!!

Kurt said...

Punto, why can't you behave like that hero Charles Ramsey, who rescued those kidnapped girls in Cleveland? Why do you have to be such a racist piece of shit?

lna said...

Punto, do you make money with your blog ?
The pictures and stories you post are so funny that I hope you're smart enough to make it profitable...

Steve said...

Did you read about the vile, racist nig who attacked random people with a pick-axe in Milan? He is as dark as night!

Kurt said...

Punto, is it true that you are ashamed that you are as dark as asphalt? Have you molested any of the kids in the Los Angeles Unified School District where you work? I bet you have, you sicko! Your office probably has grape soda stains all over it...

Release said...

Punto is mine!!!:D