Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The apes on the island are rioting!!

that nig of PuntoTres and his ape friends heard about rioting in Baltimore and decide to riot themselves!  Here is security cam footage of the nigs on the island rioting.  Punto is the one who pissed himself!!!!1


Anonymous said...

LNA I am so glad to see you've kept this going! Everyone needs to be aware of Punto!


Kurt Stein said...

Helena, you've gotta admit...this website is deader than a doornail! Punto has forgotten about us.

Kurt said...

Punto, stop posting under my name!

Why haven't you been posting lately? Have you been serving another stint in prison?

LNA said...

Punto, you're so stupid that we always recognize you when you post, whatever the name you use or the person you impersonate...
Have you made new friends on imdb with your new account ?