Monday, February 17, 2014

Punto Was Rented By Dustin Diamond?

Captain Cracker lent that nig of Punto Tres to actor Dustin Diamond several years ago!!!!!  dustin Diamond was Screeeach on Saved by The Bell!!!  Dustin performed medical tests on that nig while he was in college.  here is a picture of that nig and Dustin Diamond.  Dustin Diamond returned Punto to Captain Cracker after a couple months because that nig of PuntoTres kept throwing shit on the walls of his home!!!!!


Steve said...

Punto, I just found this video from the LA Riots. The black community really showed the world that day how racist and worthless you savages really are!

lna said...

Punto, why are niggers so racist towards us ?

Dusty said...

I smell something rotten...Helena, it's time for you to go home. And scrub that nasty coochee!!

Dusty said...

Still obsessing over me, Kurt? Thought you were too busy playing with Rocco's poop. I see you're also polluting the Yahoo comments threads with your putrid opinions. Gertrude must be deeply ashamed!

lna said...

always the same old rants...Punto your lack of imagination reveals your low IQ...but nigs will be nigs...

Dusty said...

Apparently, Sheena, your IQ wasn't high enough for the apprentice confectioner. Didn't he dump you?

lna said...

No, he gave me lots of cream and made me a cake...I dumped them you bastard !

Dusty said...

That "cream" turned into a little French bonobo, which you terminated.

Kurt said...

Punto, I see that you added a new post here on your blog. I thought that you had abandoned this! You are one demented and deranged racist negroid!!!

lna said...

A "French bonobo" ? that does not exist you stupid monkey ! the bonobo is an African creature like you Punto....

Dusty said...

With two clicks of the mouse, this 'blog' is revealed to be the handiwork of a miscreant loser named Kurt Stein. Wonder who that is?

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

Oui, ma Cherie...the bonobo a la francaise does not exist, because you have snuffed out its pathetic life.

lna said...

Punto, you won't find any French culinary with bonobo...whereas niggers eat them at all the sauces...when they don't eat humans...

Kurt said...

Punto, this isn't my blog! Anyone with a brain can quickly determine that it is YOUR blog! You are a self-hating negro who apparently created this blog in a pathetic attempt to get attention. You need help as something is clearly wrong with you... Did you fry your brain smoking crack rock??

Angela said...

Statistically speaking, crack is a WHITE drug, but Mr. Steinberg is apparently too ignorant to realize this.

Jonathan said...

Helena, ma Cherie, as usual, your anglais is a bouillabaisse of disparate words.

lna said...

Punto, you always say that when I write a reality you can't argue or contradict...

you perfectly know that French people don't eat apes whereas niggers well as they pratice cannibalism

Kurt said...

Punto, when are you going to write a new post on your blog? It has been a month since you added a post. I think it is funny when you post pictures of monkeys in a pathetic attempt to garner sympathy!

Steve said...

Punto, I found this video of you stealing a bag from a woman!

Steve said...

Punto, did you hear about this hate crime in Detroit? An 11-year-old niglet was standing on a curb with his father when all of a sudden the niglet stepped directly in front on a truck and was hit. Instead of placing the blame where it belongs on the niglet and the niglet's father, a mob of racist nigs viciously attacked and robbed the white driver of the truck. This is stereotypical nigger behavior! What excuse do you have for this type of behavior???

Spike Lee said...

Mr. Punto Tres, you be a disgrace to our species of ape!

Anonymous said...


Don Sterling said...

Is PuntoTres still for sale? I am the owner of the NBA Clippers and I need a house nigger slave to do my errands for me. This Punto seems like the perfect Uncle Tom to perform my chores. Captain Cracker, please get back to me and let me know how expensive this slave will be.

Kurt said...

Punto, I see that you are wearing a diaper in that photo. Do you normally wear a diaper on the island, or do you typically shit all over yourself?

Bill said...

who is this punto nig? I bet he's an Uncle Tom...

Steve said...

Punto, what is your opinion on all of the niggers rioting and looting in Ferguson, MO? Did you travel from Los Angeles to participate in the riot so you could also steal shoes and malt liquor?

Angela said...

Let me see if I understand this...Kurt Steinberg, grand diva and orchestrator of this childish blog...can't even afford an apartment with a private washer/dryer? Are you kidding me? He has to share a laundry room with the common folk? And get his ass whupped by some fatty? HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're pathetic, my dear boy. Simply pathetic. Poor as a church mouse!

Kurt said...

Punto, I was prepared to throw him to the ground and beat his fat ass if it came to that! Washers/dryers are not allowed in units in my building.

Why are you still stalking LNA and me? Why can't you stop obsessing about us?

When are you going to add a new post to YOUR blog, you demented freak? Your last post was in February!

punto said...

i iz a muthafugga!!!! i done just finish me dinner from KFC. it be extra crispy!!!!! ha ha!!! now i gots ta suck da cock of dr moreau!!!!!! i iz a faget!!!!!

Kurt said...

Punto, are you still alive? It's been months since you posted a new entry on your blog and it appears as though you also stopped leaving comments. Have you finally matured and abandoned your blog? Or are you in prison or dead???