Saturday, November 10, 2012

Punto Has Become a Chain Smoker!

That nig of PuntoTres started smoking cigarettes months ago leading up to the recent election of president !!!!!!  that dumb nig cannot control himself and now and is addicted to cigarettes.  he smokes Kool cigarettes and is giving himself lung cancer.  he likes them better than he usual crack cocaine!!!!!!!  here is a picture of that nig of PuntoTres smoking!!!!


Mrs. Othmar said...

It's P-R-E-S-I-D-E-N-T, Helena, my dear. You never were very bright.

lna said...

I don't run that blog stupid nig and you KNOW that as you once told me you could recognize my awkward're the dumbest nig ever...

Captain Cracker said...

PuntoTres, Captain Cracker is the greater slaver trader ever!!!!! You have been upset ever since I decided to sell you in a slave auction in Atlanta next year!!!!! I run this website, not LNA!!!!! Ha ha!!!!!

Mrs. Othmar said...

"greater slaver trader"? I've heard better English from immigrant middle schoolers! What a nitwit!!!

Kurt said...

Punto, don't you know that cigarettes are bad for you? I thought you only smoked pole, not cigarettes!

xao li chen said...

Hi! Hi! Xao Li loves this blog and loves Captain Cracker !!!!
Wata nayz guay !!!
Xao Li met Cracker and can tell he is not LNA at all...
Dear Cracker, could you please my fantasy bringing some fresh pussies on the island...I want to eat some...Punto's cock was a delicacy with chef Jeremy's sauce...Hi!! Hi!!!

Michelle Obama said...

Kurt, That's MRS. PRESIDENT to you, peasant! Give my regards to Mitt, dear.

Tracy Chapman said...

Michelle, please give Mr. President my honest regards, for disregarding me...

Mrs. Obama said...

Why, Tracy, I've no idea what you're referring to. By the way, I hear that you and Kurt Stein are an item. Congratulations! He finally dumped that seedy French girl. Supposedly, she contracted that "nasty woman's" disease from the apprentice confectioner!

Tracy Chapman said...

What are you talkin' about ? I'm a lesbian you prick ! talk about something else...maybe about revolution...and give Mr president my honest regards for disregarding I said in my "subcity" song...

J.B. Smoove said...

Well, Tracy, girl, stay from that hoodrat Helena. That pussy is STANK!!!!

lna said...

How can a fag like you say that ?
What about your HIV infested booty ?

Kurt said...

Punto, I think that you need to see a psychiatrist! It is bad enough that you created this blog to show everyone how you are being "oppressed" on the Internet, but now you are inventing new login characters with whom you are having fake arguments! WTF!!!

lna said...

I'm not fuckin' fake, Kurt, you cocksucker!!

lna said...

Punto, fuckin' nigger, not only you impersonate famous people you wish you were but you also impersonate Kurt and me to set up your own storyline...
you really are the dumbest coon ever !

The Apprentice Confectioner said...

Alo, ma cherie...whatever happened to our baby? Our bon ami says do remember Jonathan from Deauville?

Benjamin Brafman said...

Deauville is a nice place with a great casino where all the people of my community meet...I've gambled there so many times with my pal DSK....but I'm afraid nigs like Punto are only allowed to serve champagne...

J.B. Smoove said...

Benny, how many times did DSK rape you? Tell the truth and shame the devil!

xao li chen said...

Punto, da ya have a sista ?

Mrs. Obama said...

Why, Xao Li, you're picking up American idioms! I must say I'm impressed!

xao li chen said...

How many login characters da ya have Punto ?...apparently lots but certainly less than the number of brothas and sistas you must have...

J.B. Smoove said...

Xao, baby, you sound just like a sista yourself!

xao li chen said...

watcha mean ?????????????????

J.B. Smoove said...

Sheena, girl...I know that's YOU! You one crazy husssy! Francois told me about you! Xao Li my ass!

xao li chen said...

you completely wrong !!! HI! HI! Sheena is a cartoon character and Xao Li Mayaz is a distant cousin of mine..not me...Hi! Hi!

J.B. Smoove said...

What the fuck kinda name is "Xao Li Mayaz"?

xao li chen said...

you called me that !
fogottit faggot ? stoopid nigga !
that's my cousin's name but you've misspelled it...not "Xao Li my ass" but "Mayaz" from talk about ass because maybe you want us to cook it...Hi! Hi!

J.B. Smoove said...

Xao Li/Sheena/Helena, you nuttier than ten fruitcakes!!

B.B. Spade said...

Punto, u iz my bitch! U walk the streets fo me, muthafucka!!!

Kurt said...

B.B., can I be your bitch next week? I've been waiting for a strong black man to turn me out.

Kevin Clash said...

Kurt, hit me up! I'll bend you over just like I did that boy!

lna said...

Punto, go to the hospital, you need a serious therapy...are you OK living with all those characters ?
Aren't you lost in your game ?

Kurt said...

Helena, when are you coming to the States? We can hang out at the Abbey together. Bring the confectioner...I like 'em uncut!

lna said...

Punto, you're definitely obsessed with Kurt...are you in love with him to set up all those fantasies around him or what ?
I'm not sure a nig fag like you stands a chance with him....Have you ever tried an Asian ?
...and whoever told you the confectioner is uncut ?

Francois said...

Please, cherie, do not give private information about me. Merci.

lna said...

That's "François" stupid nig !
Anyway, the confectioner wasn't named like that...

Francois said...

Alas, our baby will have no name at all, cherie.

lna said...

What the hell "Alas" mean ????
I told you "François" spells with a "ç" not "c"...too difficult to get for your low IQ...

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

Cherie, you have become a notorious woman in Belleville. Tell me...did you have it off with Alain in the back seat of his 1975 DS? I wouldn't think of taking you to a party in my beloved Deauville!

Kurt said...

Punto, is your real name "Kevin Clash"? Please confirm that you are the homosexual child-molesting negroid who does the voice of Elmo on Sesame Street.

Dustin said...

Kurt Stein...please confirm that YOU are the drooling troglodyte pedophile who fantasizes on YouTube about Bryce Beckham being gang-raped. I doubt your firm would find such predilections acceptable. And I've never met this "Punto"!

Kurt said...

Punto, you are an absolute disgrace and an embarrassment to your race of apes! Why do you persist in posting under so many different login names here?

Dustin said...

Kurt, or should I say "sbtb fanatic", WHY do you want to see innocent young boys gang-raped? Will you answer that question, instead of looking for this "Punto"?

Kurt said...

Punto, or should I called you "Captain Cracker," you are in serious need of psychiatric assistance! Why did you create this blog? Was it to somehow garner sympathy? You are an absolute disgrace!

Kurt said...

Punto, I am not gay, unlike you, and have no desire whatsoever to see any innocent boys "gang-raped," as you claim. You, on the other hand, are a raging homosexual who probably molests little boys you find in the hood or who come into the library where you work. You sicko!

Dustin said...

Hmm...yet, under your YouTube monicker "sbtb fanatic", you express a burning desire to seee Bryce Beckham of Mr. Belvedere gang-raped. Why is that, Kurt? Can you tell us why? Shall I put up a link to your YouTube activities? And we all know you've been obsessed with ME for years! Your "Kurt Steinberg" alias is even entered into the legal record. You're a perv for the ages!! Punto had you pegged right!

Kurt said...

Punto, I still don't know to what you are referring. Why would I want to see the mid-30s actor being gang-raped? That sounds a little more up your alley! Have you ever raped any other gay men in Los Angeles? I bet you are one of those queers who actively tries to contract AIDS, you sicko!

Kurt said...

Punto, you are the one who is obsessed with LNA and me, not the other way around!

Dustin said...

Everyone knows that YOU, Kurt, are obsessed with former child stars, especially the MALE ones, and you delight in creating elaborate and perverted fantasias about their sex lives. YOU are "Kurt Steinberg", who has come pretty close to breaking the law with your gross websites "dedicated" to me. You're a loser, Kurt, and you know it.

Kurt said...

Punto, I don't have any websites dedicated to you! That is a sick fantasy you have created in your own ape brain!

Hey, I found this nice video of your mom taking a dump on a car:

Dustin said...

Punto don't live here no more! Speaking of dumps, how's Seymour? I hear he's having difficulty doing that lately.