Tuesday, August 30, 2011

PuntoTres 'Booty Warrior' video

Captain Cracker has discovered this prison interview of that nig of PunotTres!!! in this clip punto says that he is a 'booty warrior' and likes sex with other prison inmates. he goes by tne name 'fleece johnson' in this video.


Kurt said...

Punto, while wearing those glasses, you remind me of Raj from "What's Happening"!

DSK said...

I'm happy to be a Jew to avoid those awful places full of nigs.
I belong to the chosen people and we're superior to any other ethnicity.
Nigs are our slaves and belong to us, we can use them or rape them whenever we please.
That's the way it is, and if any of those chimps complains, I just send my lawyer in Israel and everything turns back to normal for me...I even train the chimp live under the big top world...my Jew's tease rules ! HA! HA!
PS : Dear Captain Cracker, Benjamin thanks you for the free voyage, you have our protection to continue your business with slaves

Kurt said...

Punto, why are you such a racist? You've been given so many unearned handouts and yet you are still angry.

Kurt said...

Punto, here is yet another video of a racist hate crime committed by a large mob of blood-thirsty hate-filled blacks: http://crimeblog.dallasnews.com/archives/2011/09/video-shows-crowd-of-teens-bea.html