Thursday, February 11, 2010

Punto Is Writing a Script

That nig of PuntoTres thinks that a movie is going to be filmed on Dr Moreau's island and wants to write the script for the movie !!!!! he is too stupid with his ape brain to realize that Captain Cracker only said that to east-coast nigs to attract him to his ship with the purple Ford Pinto. Punto included a nig-hero in his script to beat Sheena and would do anything to see his script made into a movie.

That nig of Punto enjoyed the comics released by Captain Cracker two years ago so much that he would even be Cracker's ghostwriter (or his 'nig' as that what ghostwriters are called in French) to see his nig-hero included in some new comics. Punto has talked about including a nig-superhero that can fly through the jungle and steal cars faster than the speed of a bullet!!!!


lna86 said...

I knew you were stupid Punto but I hadn't realized how much til !

Kurt said...

Punto, are you celebrating Valentine's Day tomorrow with any of your gay lovers whom you suck off in the Ape House at the zoo?

Dustin Diamond said...

Kurt...I didn't know your last name was Frankenstein!

lna86 said...

Punto, why are you always posting under other people's identity ? are you so ashamed of being yourself ?

Kurt said...

Punto, you are an absolute disgrace. It's bad enough that you created this blog to make fun of yourself while claiming that other people made it. However, it's just plain pathetic that you also created a fake blogger profile for me. You truly are the epitome of the term "self-hating negro"!!!!

Captain Cracker, please delete the fake "Kurt Stein" post.

Kurt_Stein said...

Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?

PuntoTres said...

what's up, muthafuggas!!!!!!! i gots ta git out the zoo to git over to KFC fo' some fried chicken. ma Pinto bein' converted to a lowrider right now. i be pimpin' ma ride to gits with those chubby mexican boys i luv. i hate bein dark and lookin like a monkey. i smells like gorilla shit and gots some shit stuck in my 'fro!!!! piece out, y'alll!!!!!!

Kurt_Stein said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dustin Diamond said...

It's P-E-A-C-E, Kurt. You're incompetent even as a racist. Ah, well...

lna86 said...

Punto, where the hell do you find those stupid cartoons you put on your blog ?

Dustin Diamond said...

Who exactly is this "Punto", anyhow?

lna86 said...

I assume it's you as you're replying...
Do you draw the cartoons yourself ?

Kurt said...

Punto, you misspelled several words in your incoherent post. Why are you blaming me for your lack of spelling/grammar skills? Next, you'll probably blame me for your dark complexion! You need to seek professional help to deal with your inferiority complex!

Dustin Diamond said...

I've yet to learn who this "Punto" is you keep talking about in your blog, Kurt!

lna86 said...

this is the nig that has been stalked us for years how much he hates whites and that even created a parody blog of you dear Dustin.

Dustin Diamond said...

Oh, no...that "blog" is the brainchild of KURT STEIN, closeted gay attorney and veteran RACIST, my dear!

lna86 said...

If the Dustin Diamond parody blog is not yours Punto why are you posting as Diamond here ?

Captain Cracker said...

Fuckin' nig!!!!!!!! stop posting under other people's names or I will tie you to a tree in the jungle and whip you 50 times to teach you some manners!!!

lna86 said...

It's fun to see Captain Cracker replying instead of Punto when Punto doesn't find what to reply to my question
Punto IZ Captain Cracker and DOZ run that blog !

Dustin Diamond said...

Helena, has the good captain opened your legs tonight? I'll bet he has!

lna86 said...

The only thing the good Captain has opened is the door to all your hate and frustrations...

Dustin Diamond said...

Is that why you're cozying up to Nazis on your favorite website, Helena?

lna86 said...

What the hell are you talking about ?

Kurt said...

Punto, the majority of Americans have realized that the idiot for whom you voted for president doesn't deserve a second term. What a disgrace he is!

lna86 said...

That nig of Punto is really an ass ! he mentions Nazis all the damn time but can't reply when we ask him what he refers to, then rushes to imdb to report threads that don't even concern him as a revenge...
If all the niggers behave like that I fell sorry for the USA as you have one at the head...

Anonymous said...

It is odd that niggers such as PuntoTres complain about non-existent racism all the time and then have no problem with going out and robbing or killing white people, Asians, or Hispanics. It's no coincident that nobody in their right mind wants to live near those worthless apes!

I just read about a group of evil nigger youths who randomly attacked and murdered a White Starbucks manager just for fun:

If White kids had killed a jig, you know this would have made the national news.

Kurt said...

Punto, is this your cousin in this video? An ugly and racist black guy messed with the wrong guy in this clip. You can hear the racist black women on the back of the bus telling the black guy to attack the old white man at the front of the bus. But when "home slice" started shit with the old man, he quickly got the shit beaten out of him! That was totally awesome!

Dustin Diamond said...

Afraid to say the N-word under your own monicker, eh, Kurt? Be careful...I'll get Lark Voorhies after you, lol!

Dustin Diamond said...

Helena, sweets, I've booked a suite for us in Shanghai's finest hotel. You have my permission to 'fraternize' with the local men during our stay.

Kurt said...

You of all people are accusing me of being afraid of posting something on your blog? You won't even post under the name PuntoTres; instead, you post under my name or the name Dustin Diamond. Are you celebrating Black History Month tonight by sucking off random Mexican men behind the KFC?

lna86 said...

Why are you talking about Shanghai Punto ? Do you want to end in a sushi ?
do you fantasy upon aliens ?

Dustin Diamond said...

Kurt, Lark is coming to get you! She's wielding a hot stick...better protect your culo!

lna86 said...

What about Shanghai Punto ?
Why did you mention that city of aliens ? do you find those rats attractive ?

Dustin Diamond said...

I know it is your deepest fantasy to consort with the men of Shanghai, Helena, my pet.

lna86 said...

Tell me another... what a lack of imagination, it's not even funny.
Niggers and Asians are the lowest races of the planet stupid nig !