Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Cartoon Depicting PuntoTres' Childhood

Here is a picture showing the childhood of that nig of PuntoTres. His mother looked like Aunt Jemima and would get annoyed when that dumb spade asked for toy cars to play with the little white kids in his neighborhood. his mama told him that she had to care for her other 14 kids and couldn't afford toys for Punto.

Punto told his mama that he would grow up and give grammar lessons to white kids. his mammy didn't believe him and reminded him that he is a dumb nig. Punto has been obsessed with grammar ever since he learned that nigs were at the bottom of society as a result of their low IQs. Punto has had an inferiority complex since he was young and refers to white women as "Sheena" as a strange insult that only makes sense to a retarded nig like himself.


Princess LNA said...

You never told us your mama was so fat Punto...

Gertrude Stein said...

Hmmm...I don't know about this "Punto" fellow, but I could stand to lose a few pounds himself! Worrying about Kurtis' sexual escapades sends me straight to the pound cake!

Kurt said...

Punto, does your mom still dress up as Aunt Jemima and is she still morbidly obese? You and your mom sure have big-ass lips!

Gertrude Stein said...

Mama loves you, Chickie.

Lakesha Jefferson said...

what's up nigga? Lakesha is in tha house, muthafucka!!! I iz Punto's mama. ma son is an 'uncle Tom' and has sold out his people. i done kicked him out when he criticized me for my grammar for the 5th time in one day after we got back from eating dat fried chicken from Popeye's. ma son iz also a faggot and the good Lord don't approve of his lifestyle there. last i heard, Punto wuz living in a street sweeper machine and then in the LA zoo. aw shiiit, i gots ta go, piece out y'all!!!!

Princess LNA said...

Be thankful to Dr Moreau and the psychiatrist he brought you, with the analysis, we all know why you're so obsessed with teaching grammar to white people and why you call me "Sheena"

Kurt said...

Punto, did you mammy call you "Sambo" when you were a kid? You should change your IMDB login to "Sambo" immediately!

Princess LNA said...

Are you still ugly like the bonobo you used to be Punto ?

Prince Harry Windsor said...

Have you ever seen a cute nigger LNA honey ?

Princess LNA said...

Nope Harry honey, never.
Nigs are ugly and most of them smell like shit.
Your uncut cock also sometimes stinks but you can't compare it with the odor of niggers.
I'd rather get your smegma all over my body than breathing the odor of a nig the farest it is...

Gertrude Stein said...

Kurtis...Mama didn't raise you to be a little pottymouth. For shame!!

Princess LNA said...

Punto, why are you so obsessed with Kurt ? are you in love with him or what ?

Gertrude Stein said...

It's no secret...my poor Kurt only loves boys. If you could only see the letters he wrote to Dustin Diamond when he was a boy! Well! I tell you...

Lakesha Jefferson said...

punto, you iz a jive-ass faggot nigga!! i hates you and iz embarassed that you iz ma son. you broke up ma marriage when u sucked off your dad, Tyrone. remember dat time when i caught u eating dogshit? u iz a sick muthafucka! leave dose white peoples alone - they wants nuthin to do with yo black ass!!!!

Gertrude Stein said...

Chickie, I do wish you'd stop this juvenile foolishness! Don't you have some briefs to file in the morning? Get to bed!!

Kurt said...

Punto, your entire family fits the stereotype of negroids. Your mom is an obese maid, your dad is a crackhead, and you all look, smell, and act like wild monkeys!!!

Punto's mama said...

Glinga Glinga !!!! Pu'to iz an uncl'Tom now ! now way I wanna see him anymo' yo' I have a new husban' a true nigga and he hates Punto and iz gramma' lessons he dozn'understand

Abraham Lincoln said...

I never would have freed the slaves if I knew they would end up like PunoTres. They truly are evil creatures.

Kurt said...

Punto, you are an absolute disgrace to the negroid race. Your own parents have posted here, as well as the ghost of one of the greatest US presidents and they are in agreement that you are a homosexual Uncle Tom in need of psychiatric help immediately!

Gertrude Stein said...

Kurtis, I'm surprised you did not admonish the President for his spelling error. I believe the word is P-U-N-T-O, not "Puno". And, I hate to point this out, but the esteemed Mr. Lincoln lived with a close male friend for several years, often sharing the same bed...

Kurt said...

Punto (aka Gertrude Stein), Abraham Lincoln was not gay! That's another lie started by the extreme left-wing. It's kind of like when black people claim to have had an advanced civilization until white colonists came and burned down historical artifacts, buildings, etc., to make blacks look dumb. As far as I know, the only gay president has been Barack Hussein Obama.

Gertrude Stein said...

Chickie, dear, can you name our alcoholic, cokehead President? I'm told he lives in the Dallas area now.

Kurt said...

Punto, are you enjoying swinging from the vines in your cage on Dr. Moreau's island? Do you still play with and eat your own shit?

Gertrude Stein said...

Chickie...stop chasing that "Punto" fellow. Just answer my question. Don't disobey your mother! If your father were alive to hear this...

Herschel Stein said...

Kurt, my son, why is a nigger stalking you on the Internet? I told you to stay away from the coloreds as they are nothing but trouble, smell like shit, and have a reputation for being criminals around the world.

Gertrude Stein said...

Honey bear, I don't know WHO you think you are, but my Seymour is dead, and you are NOT Kutis' daddy.

Princess LNA said...

Punto, why are you so obsessed with other people's parents ?
Are you ashamed of yours ?

Kurt said...

Punto, you really do have some serious issues! Now you are pretending to be both my mother and my father and are having a fake argument in the comments section here!!! WTF!!!

Kurt said...

Punto, you remind me of the black guy, Virgil, from this video. I bet that in real life, you always do what your white boss asks you and say, "Yes massah!"


Princess LNA said...

yes indeed Kurt, that nig must obey to his white "Captain bring-me-down" boss the same way he obeys to Captain Cracker.

Gertrude Stein said...

You know, Chickie, I do suddenly recall an Uncle Herschel from your early childhood. Oh yes, you did spend a few weekends at his apartment. Come to think of it, you usually walked a bit stiff when he dropped you off. Always found that a bit odd.

Gertrude Stein said...

Helena, please close your legs! I do detect a frowsy odor.

Princess LNA said...

stupid nig ! do you think spamming this page will hide all what you doesn't want to read ?
You have a serious issue, and YOU'RE obsessed with white people because you feel inferior
You're also obsessed with other people's parents and mention them in a sexual way because you must have had problems with yours

Princess LNA said...

Do you like uncut cocks Punto ?

Jon Gosselin said...

Miss Piggy, still airing your frowsy coochee?

Captain Cracker said...

Stupid nig of PuntoTres!!! stop spamming my blog and posting under other peoples names you dumb spade !! ha ha ha !!! that's 30 extra lashes for you !!!!!!!

Jon Gosselin said...

Lol...Miss Piggy's had more uncut wieners than Oscar Mayer!

Princess LNA said...

so what ? jealous stupid nigger ?

Gertrude Stein said...

Why should anyone be "jealous" of a kraven tart, riddled with AIDS, and given to aborting her bastards? Answer me that, young lady!

Princess LNA said...

because it's always better than being a smelly nigger with an HIV infested butt for real

Gertrude Stein said...

My dear, whose bastard have you exterminated this week? The apprentice confectioner's cousin?

Princess LNA said...

The confectioner is history, my red hot stallion dealt with him as you can see, and he has no cousin as I asked him for a Christmas party when I was drunk.

Gertrude Stein said...

I am quite sure you spend much of your social time drunk, with your legs in the air.

Princess LNA said...

Reading what your mama says, it seems that your father did not spend his social time only drinking

Gertrude Stein said...

Young woman, I doubt you know who your pere even is!

Princess LNA said...

At least I wasn't molested the way you were by your drunk dad

Gertrude Stein said...

No, apparently, that's the confectioner's job.

Princess LNA said...

Of course it is. At least it's natural.

Kurt said...

Punto, I heard that you smell that absolute shit after several days of shitting on the hair on your ape body. Is it true that you enjoy soaking your body in a septic tank for an hour every Friday to improve your odor? Please get back to me soon!

Gertrude Stein said...

Kurt...Chickie...shouldn't you say "smell LIKE shit"? You know Mama always like to correct her little angel's English! Mama loves you!