Sunday, December 7, 2008

Dr. Moreau's Trial, Part IV

Here is another cartoon of Dr Moreua's trial !!!!! Punto's original owners told the judge that they purchased that nig of PuntoTres first and then Captain Cracker stole Punto back and sold him to Dr Moreau!!!!! The original owners were not happy when they found out that Dr Moreau turned Punto back into an ape!!!!!!! The original owners acknowledged that Punto was lazy and stupid, but they still want that nig back!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Punto, if you could choose between Moreau and your original owners, where would you go to ?

Anonymous said...

My dear girl, I imagine this "Punto" character would choose to have a frowzy hyena like yourself placed in the Paris Zoo!

Anonymous said...

Punto, why can't you post under your actual name like we all do ?
Are you ashamed of what you are to change your identity so often like a chameleon ?

Anonymous said...

He's not ashamed LNA, he's a just a stalker with a serious issue.