that nig of PuntoTres has had a couple acting roles!!!!1 Here is a video of that ugly ape acting as 'Chick Watts'!!!!!!
Monday, June 22, 2020
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Punto Is Harassing Tourists!!!
that nig of PuntoTres is at it again, harassing tourists! Here is a photo of him harassing an older white woman who was touring the island of Dr. Moreau where he lives!!!1

Thursday, November 19, 2015
Punto Took a Selfie!!!!!
that nig of PuntoTres stole a camera from a tourist on his island and took a selfie!!!! he took many photos and carried the camera with him until he got into a fight with other apes!!! he threw the camera and it was found by a janitor. Here is the selfie!!! Punto has an ugly ape face!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
The apes on the island are rioting!!
that nig of PuntoTres and his ape friends heard about rioting in Baltimore and decide to riot themselves! Here is security cam footage of the nigs on the island rioting. Punto is the one who pissed himself!!!!1
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Punto Has Ebola!!!!
That nig of Punto Tres has caught Ebola!!!!! he was arrested and placed in jail to keep him from spreading the disease!!! that nig got Ebola from eating shit from other infected apes!! Here is a picture of that nig!!!!
Monday, February 17, 2014
Punto Was Rented By Dustin Diamond?
Captain Cracker lent that nig of Punto Tres to actor Dustin Diamond several years ago!!!!! dustin Diamond was Screeeach on Saved by The Bell!!! Dustin performed medical tests on that nig while he was in college. here is a picture of that nig and Dustin Diamond. Dustin Diamond returned Punto to Captain Cracker after a couple months because that nig of PuntoTres kept throwing shit on the walls of his home!!!!!
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
PuntoTres Has Married BB Spade!!!
That nig of PuntoTres has married his longtime pimp, BB Spade!!!! Here is a photo from their wedding - Punto wore a nice pink dress to celebrate the wedding because he is BB Spade's bitch!!!!!! The nig looks like a perfect transvestite in this photo. The kindly Dr Moreau constructed a pussy for PuntoTres after Xao Li Chen ate Punto's smelly cock last year!!!!!
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Chef Jeremy Miller is Selling Nigger Cakes!
Chef Jeremy Miller has come up with a new dessert recipe for the Asian tourists to Dr Moreau's island!! Jeremy Miller has created nigger cakes from LNA's French family recipe!!! Dr Moreau was upset when Asian tourists ate several nigs on the island, including Punto's cousin. So Dr Moreau paid Jeremey Miller to cook the nigger cakes and hopes that the tourists will eat the cakes instead of more of his nig slaves. The nig of PuntoTres is breathing a sigh of relief now...
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Punto Made a Memorial to the Life of Trayvon Martin
PuntoTres is upset that George Zimmerman was not convited of murdering that nig of Trayvon Martin... That nig of Punto tres has been throwing doodoo around at the Asian tourists on Dr Moreau's island and has been robbing tourists to celebrate Treyvon Martin's life!!!!!! That nig also set up this memorial of Trayvon Martin's life that includes an outline of that nig of Trayvon Martin's corpse made of Skittles and an empty can of beer!!! Dr Moreau is getting upset because now there are Skittles all over the ground on the island and herds of rats have been feasting on them, scaring away the tourists!!
Monday, May 13, 2013
Punto Has Suffered An Overdose!!!
That nig of PuntoTres suffered an overdose last weekend and had to be rushed to the hospital!!!! That nig ate KFC, several watermelons, and grape soda and his digestive system was overloaded causing him to pass out!!!!! The other nigs on the island laughed at Punto, but Captain Cracker is a good owner and knew that Punto would be worth more in resale value as a slave if he is alive. he was rushed to a hospital and given an IV drip of Colt 45 to revive him. That nig pulled through and is back in his tree throwing his shit at people and eating bananas just like normal!!!!!
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Old Picture of Punto
Captain Cracker has found an old picture of that nig of Punto Tres!!!!!! here is a photo that was taken from that nig's 2-nd grade yearbook!!!! Punto added his own caption and looks upset and wants everyone to know that the watermelon he is greedily eating is all his!!!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Punto's Mama
Captain Cracker has found a picture of the mother of that nig of PuntoTres!!!! she went to a pharmacy to attempt to purchase crack cocaine, but was disappointed when they told her they didn't sell crack!!!! She was mad because her son Punto used to purchase her drugs to smoke before Captain Cracker captured him and sold him to Dr. Moreau at the Atlanta slave auction. Punto's mamma was happy when she left the pharmacy after she learned that the pharmacy sold herpes medicine to treat the inflammation on her dirty vagina!!!!
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Punto Has Disrupted LNA's Lovemaking!
LNA met Gunther, a nice German tourist on the Island of Dr. Moreau and took him to an islet to have sex!!!! Her husband Jeremy Miller was busy preparing sushi for Asian tourists at the time... Unfortunately for LNA, that nig of Punto Tres interrupted them by hiding on the islet waiting to have gay sex with his lover, Koko the ape!!!!! Punto wants to catch a new form of AIDS from Koko!!!!!
LNA had to offer Punto three cans of watermelon soda to get him to leave the islet!!!! LNA was not happy when she was making love to Gunter and saw that Punto was sitting on a nearby beach and took a shit in his ape hand and started throwing the shit at her like nigs and apes are known to do...
LNA had to offer Punto three cans of watermelon soda to get him to leave the islet!!!! LNA was not happy when she was making love to Gunter and saw that Punto was sitting on a nearby beach and took a shit in his ape hand and started throwing the shit at her like nigs and apes are known to do...
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Punto Does Not Understand Money!!!
That nig of PuntoTres has figured out how to break into Jeremy Miller's restaurant on the Island of Dr. Moreau!!! Like most nigs, Punto knows how to pick a lock. that nig picked the lock on the door and then stole food and knocked over the cash register, causing money to spill out onto the floor!!! That nig is so stupid that when he saw the dollars on the floor, he did not know what they were and thought they were food.
Here is a picture of that dumb nig of PuntoTres eating a $10 bill!!!
Here is a picture of that dumb nig of PuntoTres eating a $10 bill!!!
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Punto Has Hired a Hairdresser
That nig of PuntoTres has hired Koko, his ape friend on the Island, to groom him. Koko has been doing what he can to care for the kinky pubic hair growing on Punto's head. That nig added coloring to his hair to made it bright pink and has been parading around the Island, happy that the Asian tourists see an openly gay chimp for the first time in recorded history.
Here is a picture of Koko caring for Punto's hair. Punto was unable to pay money for the services, so he has been paying with sex, servicing Koko's smelly animal cock. That nig of PuntoTres loves being passed around as a bitch on the Island in exchange for grooming services!!!!!!!
Here is a picture of Koko caring for Punto's hair. Punto was unable to pay money for the services, so he has been paying with sex, servicing Koko's smelly animal cock. That nig of PuntoTres loves being passed around as a bitch on the Island in exchange for grooming services!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Wild Niglets Are Taking Over Dr. Moreau's Island!!!!!
The feral apes living on Dr. Moreau's island are breeding like crazy using up the island's resources!!!!!!! apes such as that nig of PuntoTres have eaten hundreds of wild rats, raccoons and squirells living on the island and are upset that there are no ribs or fried chicken to eat or grape soda to drink!!!! those nigs have also burrowed underground where they make nests and breed. here is a photo of a wild niglet on the island!!!!!!!! Dr. Moreau had to call an exterminator to get rid of some of these beasts to control the ape population!!!!!!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Jeremy Miller Has Cooked a New Meal
Asian tourist Xao Li Chen enjoyed eating the cooked castrated cock of that nig of PuntoTres so much that chef Jeremy Miller has cooked another delicacy for Xao Li Chen! Punto has many nig sisters, most of which sit on their fat asses all day eating fried chicken, drinking grape soda, and talking about Obama while thinking of ways to spend their welfare checks.
I am Captain Cracker, the greatest slave trader in the world, and I purchased several of Punto's ape sisters at a slave auction at the port near Atlanta. One of that nig's ape sisters is named Latoya Tres. Latoya was sitting around the island eating much of the food on the island and making a big mess wherever she went. So when tourist Xao Li Chen asked for a new food to eat, the choice was clear and Jeremy Miller cooked Latoya, just like those nigs do to each other in the jungles of the Congo.
Here is a picture of Xao Li Chen eating Latoya's cooked pussy. Xao Li Chen liked the meal, although she did complain that it was too salty and had scars from Ebola infections and herpes!!!!!!
I am Captain Cracker, the greatest slave trader in the world, and I purchased several of Punto's ape sisters at a slave auction at the port near Atlanta. One of that nig's ape sisters is named Latoya Tres. Latoya was sitting around the island eating much of the food on the island and making a big mess wherever she went. So when tourist Xao Li Chen asked for a new food to eat, the choice was clear and Jeremy Miller cooked Latoya, just like those nigs do to each other in the jungles of the Congo.
Here is a picture of Xao Li Chen eating Latoya's cooked pussy. Xao Li Chen liked the meal, although she did complain that it was too salty and had scars from Ebola infections and herpes!!!!!!
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Punto Has Become a Chain Smoker!
That nig of PuntoTres started smoking cigarettes months ago leading up to the recent election of president !!!!!! that dumb nig cannot control himself and now and is addicted to cigarettes. he smokes Kool cigarettes and is giving himself lung cancer. he likes them better than he usual crack cocaine!!!!!!! here is a picture of that nig of PuntoTres smoking!!!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Punto Has Been Castrated!
Chef Jeremy Miller traveled across the Asian continent to learn different food recipes. Jeremy Miller has castrated the cock of that nig of Punto Tres and cooked the penis. Jeremy miller sold this tasty meal to Asian tourists who consider it to be a delicacy!!!!!! The Asians were mad because they said that this meal tasted shitty!!!!!
Friday, September 28, 2012
LNA's Fast Food Restaurant
LNA and her husband, Jeremy Miller, have opened a restaurant with ocean views to make money off of asian tourist. LNA saw how much money Dr Moreau has made off Asian tourists recently and decided to cash in herself. news of the nigs on the island has reached the civilized part of the world and now white tourists are visiting the island to learn how to tame nigs, such as that nig of PuntoTres!!!!!! The white tourists are taking notes as that see Dr Moreau whip his nig slaves for all to see.
LNA has invented a watermelon flavored soda to sell to tourists. Unfortunately the nigs on the island found out about the soda and have been stealing them. the nig slaves have also stolen all of the bags of Cheetos and rib sauce from LNA's restaurant. Luckily, so many tourists have been visiting LNA's restaurant to more than make up for the theft by the nig slaves.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Old Video of PuntoTres's Momma
Captain Cracker has found this video of the momma of that nig of Punto Tres!!!! his mammy is as annoying and stupid and punto himself is!!!!! she got slapped in the face by her pimp who made her stop singing and go work the streets for drug money!!!!! her pimp looks like BB Spade, but Captain Cracker cannot be for sure...
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Asian Tourists Have Been Traveling to Dr Moreau's Island!!!!
Asian tourists have been traveling to Dr Moreau's island because they heard about that there are talking apes on the island just like those in movies !!!! Captain Cracker has been making a lot of money off the stupid tourists who are paying $5000 each to visit the island!!!! however, the Asians don't realize that the 'talking apes' are jungle bunnies like that nig of Punto Tres!!!!!
The asians all brought their glasses and cameras. however, their cameras were confiscated at the border. Dr Moreau has set up a camera shop on the island to sell cameras at $250 apiece to make a lot of money off the rich Asian tourists. Dr. Moreau and Captain Cracker are both proud to make so much money off Asian tourists!!!!!!
The asians all brought their glasses and cameras. however, their cameras were confiscated at the border. Dr Moreau has set up a camera shop on the island to sell cameras at $250 apiece to make a lot of money off the rich Asian tourists. Dr. Moreau and Captain Cracker are both proud to make so much money off Asian tourists!!!!!!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
New Bonsai Nig for Sale!!!!
Captain cracker is selling new Bonsai niggers !!!!!! they are like small versions of that nig of PuntoTres !!!! these midget creatures are 2.5 feet tall and have small hands to reach underneath furniture for dusting !!!!! the Bonsai niggers are bred without testicles so they won't try to molest children or pets. these pets are also good at shining shoes and can be used as a footstool!!!! they only eat one can of dog food per day.
These Bonsai niggers have been developed using the scientific skills of Dr Moreau and are available only through Captain Cracker. Get one for $700 the next time my slave ship docks outside Atlanta!!!!!!!
These Bonsai niggers have been developed using the scientific skills of Dr Moreau and are available only through Captain Cracker. Get one for $700 the next time my slave ship docks outside Atlanta!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011
Punto Playing Dice
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
PuntoTres 'Booty Warrior' video
Captain Cracker has discovered this prison interview of that nig of PunotTres!!! in this clip punto says that he is a 'booty warrior' and likes sex with other prison inmates. he goes by tne name 'fleece johnson' in this video.
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