Monday, June 22, 2020

Punto's Acting Roles?

that nig of PuntoTres has had a couple acting roles!!!!1  Here is a video of that ugly ape acting as 'Chick Watts'!!!!!!


Kurt said...

Punto, you must be the biggest Uncle Tom on the planet!

Xao li chen said...

Me, I think it's a shame Uncle Ben's face will soon disappear from the packs of my favorite rice...and believe me, we Asians eat a LOT to accompany with bats, insects and serpents...everyday at every sauces...when I think he soon will be gone with the wind...

Laundry Room Bully said...

Hey, Kurt! Bet you LOVED it when I farted on your face! Tell the truth!

Gary said...

Punto, you are an absolute disgrace! You must be so angry that you didn’t get another opportunity to riot and loot a couple days ago. I’m sure you’ll fabricate another reason to steal sometime soon

Laundry Room Bully said...

"Kurt/Gary", sounds like you need another treatment, boy! Lemme down a can of beans, and I'll meet you by the dryers in 10!'re gonna love it!

Kurt said...

Punto, I almost had to beat his ass years ago. But I saw a photo of him last year - he has really let himself go and looks like he’s put on a good 50lbs of fat since I last ran into him.

You’d probably like the guy. I seem to recall you mentioning on IMDB that you are a demented freak with a love for chubby white guys. And he’s Jewish, which we all know that an Uncle Tom like you prefers!

Anonymous said...

Damn, those clips are hilarious! Pinto has great comic timing

Laundry Room Bully said...

Hey, Kurt! Remember when I sat on you. You were hard as a ROCK! Dude, you loved it! By the way, how's that bitch Helena? You still chat with her?

Neil said...

I am a co-worker of PuntoTres. Not only is he a racist, but he’s also a pervert. I caught him loitering in the men’s room leering at random strangers peeing at the urinals. He’s a real sicko

Kurt_Stein said...

Hey, Neil! When did you work with Punto? Before you fucked my ass raw?

The real Kurt Stein said...

Punto, stop pretending to be me! You are a disgrace to your race and obviously hate being black - that is why you are so racist.

Why haven’t you added any new posts recently? You obviously hate that the IMDB boards were shut down as that was one of your main outlets for hate.

The real Kurt Stein said...

Punto, what have you done with LNA??

Smiddy said...

Punto wishes he lives on The Planet of the Apes 🦍

Rocco Buttafuoco said...

Hey, Smiddy...shouldn't it be "lived"? Work on your grammar!

Kurt said...

Punto, you have not updated your blog since 2020. Have you been in prison? You should add a new post.

Xao li Chen said...

Punto opened a business in the jungle, he ships me serpents, insects and apes for my Asian restaurant...but LNA is nowhere to be found now