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PuntoTres is a racist middle-aged nig who trolls the message boards at IMDB.com. He posts about his hatred of whites, although it is clear that he has an inferiority complex and wishes he were white. This blog uses humor to poke fun at PuntoTres' racist beliefs.
Ma cherie...the message boards are no more. Was it your foul stench that led them to shut down that feature?
Punto, why did you abandon your blog for so many years? Were you busy posting your racist rants on another of your websites?
Poor Kurt! Laundry room bully still making you cry? Awww...
Punto, that laundry room guy was a fag. You probably would have enjoyed sodomizing each other.
Did he also fuck you, then?
Punto, I now run an Asian cabaret in Paris and I know about foul stench...people like you are the champs before chimps...hi! hi! hi!
I'm now a wealthy businesswoman with the new Asian power and I have a job for you if you wash yourself and dress like a geisha..hi! hi! hi!, your hairdresser friend could help and make you look better...I heard she was broke...have you heard of her lately ?
Ah, Helena, The Bonobo Queen! Are you broke now, then?
Our Parisian friend loves lust more than business, she's lazy like all chicks unlike we Asian girls that are gold digger slowly buying the world working hard like insects HI! HI! HI! I know we're born ugly but surgery makes wonders these days ! HI! HI!
My Asian cabaret works like hell...da ya wanna come ? If you can find Helena with her wiplash we could make money with your show "The Bonobo Queen" It would be funny to see her training you in a cage !!!! French people love wild things ! HI! HI! HI!
I'm still waiting to hear if Kurt got fucked raw!
Kurt does not work in my cabaret...but on my side I'm still waiting to hear if you wanna come for a show with your friend Sheena.
Punto, why haven't you been updating your blog lately? Is Internet access spotty on Dr. Moreau's island, where you live?
Are you still harassing the Asian tourists who visit the island? I'm surprised that none of those Chinamen have taught you a lesson by infecting you with their Coronavirus! Or are apes immune to the Coronavirus???
Speaking of the virus, I'm surprised you're still alive! Rumor has it that the fat laundry room bully is infected. We all know that he...compromised you.
Punto, you are definitely in the high risk category. Aren’t you around 60 by now? You are likely obese from all of the greasy KFC, Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, and grape soda you ingest on a daily basis. Obesity alone puts you at a high level of risk.
Punto, how much rioting and looting have you committed during the past couple weeks? Did you steal any nice Jordans from a Footlocker like so many other black people have done in order to celebrate the life of George Floyd? How many strip malls have you burned to the ground?
Kurt...I'll spread my cheeks real wide so you can get a good lick!
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