These Bonsai niggers have been developed using the scientific skills of Dr Moreau and are available only through Captain Cracker. Get one for $700 the next time my slave ship docks outside Atlanta!!!!!!!
PuntoTres is a racist middle-aged nig who trolls the message boards at He posts about his hatred of whites, although it is clear that he has an inferiority complex and wishes he were white. This blog uses humor to poke fun at PuntoTres' racist beliefs.
Hi! Hi! Xao Li sold the technology of those bonsaï niggers, now Xao Li is rich to go back to her country and to feed Uncle Wong and the 1032 cousins.
What is the texture of the Bonsai nig's hair? It is coarse like steel wool? If so, I would like to purchase one of these pets to clean some pots and pans.
OMG, 700 dollars,it is too much for me.. but it's really cool thing..
Captain Cracker, please update the blog to reflect that Punto celebrated his 44th birthday this year.
Kurt...I'll bend you over, and tap that flat ass!!
No like slutty white trash Helena!!
Punto, why do blacks often eat Skittles and drink grape soda before committing felonies?
nice one dude....
self help therapy
I you know the address of this "Kurt Stein"?
Punto, your hero, Barack Obama has been exposed as an incompetent fraud and the public is finally turning against him! It sure looks as though he is going to get the boot in November and not a moment too soon. Everyone will remember him as the worst president in American history.
Bitch, Atlanta ain't got no port!
Punto, look at this old white man shooting a couple vile, racist black criminals:
Kurt, whatever happened to Sheena-bitch? The Parisienne Pump seems to have vanished from Imdb! You got her tied up in your basement?
At least I don't hide on IMDB like you still track us, so why don't you post with your current account if you have something to say to us ?
have you lost your balls ?....unless you're like the Bonsaï nigger on the advertising...grown up without testicules...
Punto, how often do you visit the port near Atlanta? Did Captain Cracker buy or sell you at the port? I don't quite remember...
I don't know this "Punto" guy, knuckleheads, but I do know, Sheena-bitch, that it's spelled T-E-S-T-I-C-L-E-S, and Kurt, jackass that you are, there's NO port near Atlanta! Did you flunk middle school geography?
I thought Niggers these days are useless Monkeys oh boy was i wrong . Can not wait to use my Bonsai Negroboy to scrub my floors and clean my toilet , shine all my shoes when i get home and then ._. Use my little Nigger-footsool to relax and rest my bare Feet up on my kneeling Neggeroes shoulders until its bedtime , then put him at the bottom of my bed incase i get sweaty Feet at night and need my stupid Footnegro to suck on my Feet and Toes .
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