Monday, May 13, 2013

Punto Has Suffered An Overdose!!!

That nig of PuntoTres suffered an overdose last weekend and had to be rushed to the hospital!!!!  That nig ate KFC, several watermelons, and grape soda and his digestive system was overloaded causing him to pass out!!!!!  The other nigs on the island laughed at Punto, but Captain Cracker is a good owner and knew that Punto would be worth more in resale value as a slave if he is alive.  he was rushed to a hospital and given an IV drip of Colt 45 to revive him.  That nig pulled through and is back in his tree throwing his shit at people and eating bananas just like normal!!!!!


Steve said...

Punto, did you hear about the vile, racist black scum who viciously attacked a white family for purchasing gasoline at a gas station in a black ghetto? That's the type of "progress" that the idiot Obama has brought to America! The nig community needs to grow up and overcome its racism.

Kurt said...

Punto, word is finally out that the Obama administration is the most corrupt in the history of the United States. If Obama has any self-respect, he will simply resign before he does any more damage to this country.

PuntoTres said...

yo, how it be??? i iz punto tres and i iz a muggafugga!!!!! i gots to smokes me crack rock and steal from whitey!!!! i gots an IQ of 47, which makes me da smartest nig in da ape house at da zoo, where i done live.

Angela said...

I wonder if Kurt Steinberg is aware that the MAJORITY of crack smokers in the U.S. are WHITE.

Kurt said...

Punto, you are like a broken record! You seem to have conveniently forgotten that there are around 6 times as many whites as there are blacks in the U.S., so your statistics are only relevant when you adjust for the population percentage. Blacks comprise a smaller percentage of the U.S. population than whites, yet have a much, much higher incidence of crack usage and street selling. You and your parents are probably crackheads, aren't they???

You have been getting race-based handouts your entire life and are probably as addicted to them as you are to the crack you smoke. You need to stop "keepin' it real," and start contributing to the society from which you have taken so much.

Angela said...

Also, let's remember that AFDC is primarily a WHITE program. Are you taking notes, Kurt?

Steve said...

Punto, the black community is a net drag on the U.S. economy because your people choose to leech off the system. As of April 2013, the overall U.S. unemployment rate was 7.5%, yet the black unemployment rate was 13.2%, and this doesn't even account for the blacks who simply stop looking for work, which comprises a large percentage of the black community. Also, don't forget that the U.S. unemployment rate is so high in the first place because of the failed policies of Barack Obama, the worst president in American history.

Blacks need to stop "keepin' it real" and give back to the society from which they have taken so, so much. If your people don't want to work, then they should back to Africa and swing from the vines with the other wild animals!

Angela said...


Your ignorance is boundless. Which Laundromat do you take your white sheets to? I don't think your Neo-Nazi brethren would take kindly to your affection for Mexicans, by the way.

Kurt said...

Punto, you should have received a ticket for leaving those watermelon rinds on the ground! There were probably ants all over the place as a result of your carelessness!

Angela said...

My dear, how is Rocco? Still fascinated by your poop? Freud would have a field day with you two miscreants!

Kurt said...

Punto, you are an embarrassment to your species of ape! Why do you have such rank body odor? Perhaps if you took a shower more than once a month, your musky rank animal odor would dissipate!

Kurt said...

Hey Punto, I found an old movie from 1918 on youtube. It is entitled "Out West" and stars Fatty Arbuckle and Buster Keaton. The funniest part starts at 9:34 where a bunch of cowboys shoot at a black guy's feet and he dances around and is eventually reduced to tear! I was laughing my ass off at this:

lna said...

Punto, whatever happened to your old friend xao li chink that has eaten your cock ?
why do Asians and niggers hate each other so much as you both have a cannibal instinct ?

Kurt said...

Punto, the average IQ score of American blacks is 85, which is barely above the threshold level of mental retardation of 75. Do you feel ashamed that you are considered to be "average" by black standards, but "retarded" by the standards of everyone else, seeing as how the average IQ score of people of all races in America is 100? Does it upset you that people with Down's Syndrome are smarter and more productive than you are???

Malcolm X said...

Mr. PuntoTres, it's Malcolm X coming to you from beyond the grave. I am currently burning in the fires of hell, as you will also be when die from AIDS or Ebola in a few years.

I respect u and have much in common with u. I heard that you are very gay and so was I. In fact, I worked as a male prostitute for many years. I heard that you is also a male prostitute within the Monkey House at the zoo.

LNA said...

Malcolm, with all the catting around I've done, it's a wonder I'm still alive! Those Belleville boys!!!

lna said...

Punto, I know it's hard to be a nigger but it doesn't allow you to impersonate people like that...
you must be happy now your blog is can post all you racism and hate over here unlike on imdb where the white administrators delete all your craps...
BTW I told you million times before that Belleville is the district of niggers, it used to be the district of the sepharadic jews and Asians back in the 60's but the massive arrival of niggers made them all run away...

Paula Deen said...

This Punto Tres appears to an uppity jive-ass nigger! That dumb spade has been eating too much fried chicken and fatty ribs and is a prime candidate for a heart attack. He should sit his black ass down and watch my cooking show. That chimpanzee might learn a thing or two about healthy eating!

Alain said...

Helena, I will be in Belleville tomorrow night. Would you care for another bite of my éclair?

lna said...

Always the same old rants...what a lack of imagination...I'm wondering who assisted you to make all those funny cartoons...

Alain said...

Ma Cherie, how is life in the banlieue?

lna said...

Depends which one...places like Sarcelles are so infested with niggers that only the name makes any white thrill...

Kurt said...

Punto, did you see the testimony of Rachel Jeantel at the George Zimmerman trial? That fat beast looks just like a silverback gorilla! Put a picture of her side-by-side with a picture of a gorilla and try to tell the two apart! LOL!

xao li chen said...

xao li wants to come in Paris to eat some more Sarcelles the place to go ?

Phillippe said...

Xao Li, my dear, when you happen to pass through Belleville, please give Helena a wide berth, Her coochee is more polluted than the Seine. Even my friend the apprentice confectioner will have nothing to do with that harlot!

Bill said...

Punto, I heard a rumor that the niggers are going to riot after George Zimmermam is acquited. Have you decided which stores to rob during the impending riots? Don't you need a few more bottles of Afro-Sheen? I know you aren't going to steal any deoderant - you love smelling like your gorilla cage!

lna said...

"Philippe" takes just one L retarded least I'll always know who is the father of my kid...niggers never know that...

lna said...

...I'd rather say niggers never know who their actual dad you Punto ?

River Viiperi said...

Lna, you little slut, I want to throw a river of semen in your pussy with my big viiper so that you'll always remember who made you such a pretty bastard...

Angela said...

Well, our girl is a bastard, you got that right!

lna said...

River, honey, I know Spanish people are ill-mannered like niggers and I think it comes from the fact you shared the same boats that long period you traded them to America...because of you most of the latinos in south America have a nig heritage...and those from the bronx like Punto were fathered by criminals...
FYI, your Paris girl is a lesbian and I understand your need of a true Parisian woman like me but before you screw me my little Viiper, please hide with some makeup the nevus on your face that give you that typical Spanish looking ...then I'll be happy to please you...

Paul Mooney said...

Payback is a bitch, isn't it Kurt?

xao li chen said...

what is "payback" ? the movie with Mel Gibson (the best actor in da world)?
Anyway Mel was right...pack of niggers are dangerous for pretty women like me...hi! hi! but xao li is smart enough to eat them before they can think of it...hi! hi!

Kurt said...

Punto, I heard that George Zimmerman may be acquitted this week in the joke of a criminal case which never should have been brought in the first place. I bet you are looking forward to "keepin' it real" when robbing people and burning stores to the ground. Are you going to start rioting in the Baldwin Hills ghetto and work your way downtown?

Dustin said...

Kurt/Screech, I expect you and Rocco Buttafuoco will be visiting George Z. in the pen so he can poop on you two miscreants.

Your Twitter feed makes interesting reading, Screech. What a sicko!

Kurt said...

Punto, why do you keep posting under fake names? The crazy thing is that even if I or others joke about spraying diarrhea, a demented negroid fruit such as yourself actually partakes in such activities in real life!

By the way, why do so many members of your species choose to become criminals instead of working hard and contributing to the society from which they have taken so much? Is it because your people are stupid or is it more of an issue of laziness?

BB Spade said...

yo Kurtis homeboy, let me tell ya da truth...we niggaz prefer fake identities to forget what are in reality...
the other day I stole the Identity Card of a chimp and I felt better thinking I was someone else from a better race...we also prefer being criminals because we can't work with crackers as they claim we smell like shit...what ya think dude ? that if I opened a bank the people of your race would come and give me their money ? comme on man ! money has no smell as long as niggaz don't touch it...that's it !

Kurt said...

Well, I am a cracker. You got that right, son!

PuntoTres said...

yo, I iz a jive-ass nigger!!!!! i gots ta riot in honor of my nigger, Trayvon Martin. he kept it real and that creepy meixcan cracker honkey shot him down. i be honoring him by stealing shoes from Wal-Mart!!!!!!

Jewvebeenframed said...

Sheena...would you like to come over for some gefilte fish and potato pancakes? Can you tear yourself away from the Belleville boys for a moment?

Tyrone said...

BB, I hear you and some of your boys pulled a train on that Kurt guy. Tell me all about it!

lna said...

Still lickin' the admins butt on imdb I see Punto...and still impersonating people you burn to least jews wash themselves everyday because they don't cram about ten into small appartments like niggers shower + smelly natural odor = coon-like style...

Jewvebeenframed said...

Sheena, why haven't you called? Oh, your mouth is full? Whose 'eclair' is it tonight? I hope you remembered to swab on some deodorant. I know how fragrant French armpits can be!

Ann Coulter said...

Lna, dear cousin, you shouldn't allow your slaves to talk to you that way...the only way to be respected by those wild animals is to crack the whip on them everyday...they don't understand anything else...

Angela said...

Why, Ann, I must say I'm surprised to hear these sentiments, particularly as you have stated that Affirmative Action should be reserved for blacks only!

lna said...

Don't worry Ann, here on the island we have a cure called "nig-away"...
it's a nig repellant invented by Dr should try...

Angela said...

Ann...does cousin Helena share your mannish profile?

lna said...

Punto, why on earth do you want anybody you stalk share your gay fantasies ? Kurt, Rocco...and now Ann Coulter...are you too ugly to find a nigger that pleases you ?

Steve said...

Punto, have you robbed anyone or stolen Nike shoes to honor the shooting death of that nigger thug, Trayvon Martin?

Dustin said...

Kurt/Steve, have you sucked your hero George Zimmerman's cock? Was it cheesy? Be honest!

Kurt said...

Punto, why are you such a degenerate pervert? I have no doubt that you would suck off George Zimmerman if he showed up at the gloryhole where you work!

lna said...

Punto, can't you post something without mentioning the words "cock" "racist", "perve", "shit" "mouth full of..." ?
Is it your parents who taught you those dirty words or the tribe of niggers you grew up with in the ghetto ?

Dustin said...

Why, Kurt, it seems that your posts have been ZAPPED at Imdb! Have you done something wrong? I suspect you're being punished for associating with trash like Helena. But you know what they say...water seeks its own level.