Captain Cracker has a storage room on his slave ship where he has stored several cases of the soap which is called 'Nigger joe's Tar Soap' !!!!!!! Captain Cracker will sell these in the inner city and will make millions!!!!!! Captain Cracker is also trying to sell these to KFC locations in Los Angeles and to prisons because they had lots of nig customers or prisoners and need a strong soap~! Captain Cracker is the smartest slave trader in the world!!!!!!! Look for Captain Cracker at the port near Atlanta in early April to get some soap!!!!!!!!
Please Moreau, send thousands of those soaps to French supermarkets !!!!!
There are more and more nigs everyday in France, I'm getting mad ! white color will soon disappear if it continues....
I'm an animal rights activist, but those creatures from the jungle have less manners than apes, their close cousins.
I hope that nice Captain Cracker will soon sell them all !
Today's black people don't have that "awful smell" with modern hygiene, and mixed ones never had.
Come on Kunny ! Mixed or not, nigs smell like shit...maybe that's why you hide yourself so well on IMDB now....
BTW have you turned Jewish by now or have you realized how much those people hate your owns ?
Punto, do you think that soap could help wash away your stank body odor? Do you still wash yourself with bleach in an effort to turn your skin white? Does the bleach remove some of your odors?
There's a port near Atlanta?!! That's news to me! What nincompoop wrote that?
Your Parisian friend must have posted this nonsense dear Katana Diamond.
Kunle, I don't run that blog you stupid monkey, but I'm starting to wonder if you don't started it yourself to express your hate towards your owns...
Punto, did your Master purchase you at a slave auction in Atlanta?
And did you purchase your French bitch in Paris Mr Stein ?
Well, Helena is a bitch in heat, one must admit.
At least I don't have to pay to have sex Kunny, can you say the same thing about you ?
Concerning Punto, that fag gets paid to have sex with tramps...
Once a trollop, my dear, always a trollop! A leopard doesn't change its spots.
We make sexy clothes with Leopards and interesting spear chuckers trade at the same time, that's why crackers like Africa...
My dear Helena, your "paragraph" - and I use the term loosely - is predictably incoherent.
And please stay away from my son! He's a good boy. My little Kurtwood loves his mama!
I meant Crackers enjoyed going to Africa in the old times to hunt Leopards so that to make sexy clothes with their skin, and to track niggers at the same time to sale them as slaves in Europe or America.
Where were you all this time ? in honeymoon in Africa with your new friend Kunny ?
Punto, I noticed that there doesn't appear to be any reports of looting in Japan after the tsunami destruction. You just know there would have been reports of shootings, looters, rapes, and murders if a significant number of blacks had been living near where the tsunami hit!
i am not a racist, and im against it. but you cant deny this is pure hilarity.
i am not a racist, and im against it. but you cant deny this is pure hilarity.
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