Sunday, September 12, 2010
Punto and His Lover
That nig of PuntoTres has found his soulmate in the jungle on Dr Moreau's island !!!! he has been spending a lot of time with Mookah, another male ape on the island. Here is a picture of Punto sticking his finger up Mookah's ass. Punto pulled his finger out of Mookah's ass and then licked off Mookah's shit!!!!!!!!
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Punto, is it standard foreplay for gay apes to stick their fingers up their partner's ass? You must be in heaven on the island!
How romantic Punto ! Is it you shooting "Fag Max" your next movie produced by Uncle Mel ?
Wow...Gertrude and Seymour are a WILD pair, I must say!! Don't worry, Kurt, I won't tell anyone!
You're the only wild stalker around.
How is life with uncle Mel ?
^^^^Punto, you aren't fooling anyone. The post above clearly states that the picture is of you and your gay ape sex partner. Why are you denying that you are in that photo??? You need to finally embrace your ape heritage and stop pretending that you are human.
Punto, did your gay ape companion infect you with the ebola virus when he was violently ass-raping you?
So, Kurt, you've invited your new boyfriend Walt to post? Cool!
Punto, is Walter Bayliss one of the guys who is attempting to purchase you through the slave auction? Punto, or Captain Cracker, or whatever your name is should delete this spam immediately! Also, let me know whether Walter does win the slave auction for Punto.
Aww, Kurt, just tell us...does Walt make you sit on it?
Geez, Kurt, you do keep sterling company! As they say, water seeks its own level.
Punto, do you wear your legendary pink overall at the L.A. Board of Education ?
Captain Cracker, I demand that you clean up your blog and delete the spam here! I see that Punto is now posting under several different names in an effort to impersonate me. I realize that my other obsessive homosexual stalker has also started impersonating me here.
who is walter bayliss, gunther, and this fake Kurt Steinberg? that nig of Punto Tres is going to pay for this. No more internet access for that nig from the tree on Dr Moreau's island!!!!! stop spamming Captain Cracker's blog. i am Captain Cracker, the best slave trader in the world !!!!! meet me in Atlanta at the end of October for next slave auction of nigs !!!!!!!!!
Captain cracker you fail in life because you are stupid and weak. Only a coward like you and Kurt Steinberg would hide behind a punk blog like this. The world is full of cowardly people like you, cowardly weak and American. Your culture of weakness, ignorance and failure is crumbling around you. The US will become a third world country inside of a decade. Your economy will fall further than you could ever imagine and when the dust has settled the US will be owned entirely be China. Denying this reality will only accelerate the inevitable outcome of the most powerful country buying the US for pennies on the dollar. This has already begun and nothing can stop it or reverse the direction, no matter how hard you or anyone fights this. It is too late for you, and your pathetic failure as a nation. Everyday the strength of China grows, feeding like locusts on a wheat field know as the United States of America. History will demonstrate once again that great civilizations will fall once again. Until then, keep focusing on your blog. Living your lives asleep at the wheel as your culture always has done.
screw you anonymous!!!!! Captain Cracker is the best slave trader in the world and supports the economy with his slave sales. i pay taxes on my nig slaves and treat them very well. 35 lashes from my whip is enough to teach a lesson but will not cause permanent damage. maybe i should capture u and sell u as a slave !!!!!
Punto, are you planning on marrying Mookah? Do you think that you have the skills to be a good wife to Mookah?
Punto, I found this video from the 1992 LA Riots. In this video, Korean shop owners got fed up with the looting and started shooting at the violent and racist blacks who were tearing up the city during their crack-fueled rage! Did you get shot while looting in Koreatown when this was filmed?
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