Saturday, June 5, 2010
Picture of Punto relaxing after a hard day of work!
Here is a picture of that nig of PuntoTres relaxing after a hard day of work !!!! that nig has been working as a prostitute for B.B. Spade for free. Punto's ass is so swollen after taking all of those smelly nigger cocks in his torn asshole!! Punto wishes that B.B. Spade would at least give him a 1% commission so that he could visit Dr Moreau and purchase medicine for his ass.
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Shame on you Punto, what would your mama say if she saw you that way ?
Punto, you are an embarrassment to your race! What will your mom think when she sees this photo of you?
Punto, what was the deal with all of those out-of-control negroes who rioted and committed vandalism after the Lakers won the NBA game yesterday? Why can't your people refrain from "keepin' it real" for one day? What a disgrace!
It appears that the majority of troublemakers were Whites and Latinos.
Many Latinos have nig blood...
Punto, I saw pictures of a negro who jumped onto the hood of a Mercedes or BMW and laid down while reporters took his photo.
Whites weren't the trouble-makers, although some Mexicans may have caused problems. However, it did appear as though some blacks dressed up as Mexicans during the rioting - is that possible?
LNA, luckily, very few Mexicans have nig blood. Most Puerto Ricans and Dominicans have nig blood, which explains why so many Puerto Ricans and Dominicans are in gangs and/or are criminals.
Punto, look at this picture of a dark negro on the hood of an expensive car:
Also, here's a picture of the rioting from last year after the Lakers won. Are those criminals holding boxes of shoes Mexicans or whites with really dark tans and perms? http://freeandylaroche.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/looted1.jpg
The Mexican Mafia, known colloquially as "La Eme", is the preeminent criminal organization in California today, and most gang members in the southwestern United States are of Mexican descent.
Punto, that nigger who was laying on top of the Mercedes is the same one who lit the taxi cab on fire. That dipshit started the fire right in front of numerous people who were videotaping the incident! See:
Kurtis...you watch too much television! It's a beautiful day...get outside and enjoy it! And find a girlfriend, for Christ's sake!
Punto, is the tree you post from equipped with a television ?
I'm really happy to have created a new login on IMDB.
LNA-86, I think you have a serious issue, your blog is just good to attract psychos like Interceptor-Katana but as you like each other, you're both happy to post.
Black people are closer to apes than Whites are just because Whites have evolved in different climatic conditions, but Whites DO have the same ape genes anyway.
You can be happy with your ape pics, but FYI you're as much an ape inside as any Black person in the world, you ignorant bitch.
I'm happy to be away from all of you now.
Sacre bleu! It appears that this "blog" attracts delusional hypocrites, as well.
Kunny, honey, I perfectly know human beings have ape genes that's why scientists experiment upon them
And you're not that "away" as you post here like your brotha Punto even though you think you're not the same race as him...
That blog is not mine and I'm not reponsible for the ape pics posted here that YOU think represent black people.
It's up to me to explain you there are different races with apes, some are darker than others and it's not my fault if gorillas and bonoboes are closer to niggers than Whites.
If you're upset because of the cartoon about you that was posted on this blog 2 years ago, ask Punto about it, it's obvious he lies when he says he hasn't seen it as he visits here almost every day.
Punto, I get girls, whereas you only get fat Mexican men as you have previously confessed. Do you like it when they go diarrhea on you? I bet their diarrhea is as dark as your skin!
"Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...
Sacre bleu! It appears that this "blog" attracts delusional hypocrites, as well. "
Seems like this post is addressed to me, so Katana500...I don't get what you mean but it's true you have the tendency of calling liars, traitors or hypocrites people that tell facts you dislike to read.
LNA-86, you're as much a liar as that stalker, you've exposed yourself using the N word, you're so talented with your cartoons, you should draw KKK books with your buddy Kurt.
I admit Whites are generally better looking that Blacks but next time you draw me please remember I DO NOT lighten my skin but I'm sure Katana does. "Do what I say, don't do what I do" is his credo.
The manifesto of a Black Nazi who only tightens the noose around his own neck evey time he spews more verbal garbage. If only the KKK would ring your little neck, Kunny. You reap what you sow, my friend. Put more simply, when you lie down with frogs, you get up with warts.
A French whore who has abortions more often than I change my undies is calling folks "apes"? That's rich!
Kurt..."go diarrhea"? That sounds like the utterance of a second-grader who's crapped his pants! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kunny, stupid monkey, if you sill don't know that Punto controls that blog you're even dumbier than him.
He's right when he says you're an hypocrite as you PMed me about the cartoon of you on IMDB back then, and you even said he sent you links to the blog off, trying to "open your eyes" upon the fact we were a bench of nazis
You even said this could be possible that cartoon about you was drawn by him even though you had doubts about it....you don't remember ?
Punto, abortion is legal in my country and I couldn't start a family with a stupid confectionner that was not even cut.
At least Kunny has learnt about it and he turned Jew to be a but superior than he was.
The Gospel according to Saint Katana...
You're as much a perve as the other people posting here.
It's not because I don't hate White people the way you do that it makes me a "Black Nazi".
LNA-86, you're a liar, I never told you Punto linked me that blog.
Punto, I heard that when you are making out with a stranger in a dirty alley, you typically say to that man, "yo you gots ta go diarrhea on me, muthafucka!!!"
Kunny, maybe your new faith made you lose your memory...brainwashing do miracles these days...
I bet you're ashamed of your Black President as predicted in the cartoon of you, and I'm pretty certain you admire Hilary Clinton for her speech about White Supremacy.
Turning Jew seems to have opened your eyes even more (as they already were), I'm thinking of doing so myself...
Kurtis, your humor is perenially woeful. As for Helena, that floozy isn't worth a cup of coffee. She and her confused friend Kunle deserve one another for eternity.
I need a new relax upon my Afros, it's a shame LNA's salon has closed, she had the Parisian touch we can't find over here. I offer her a Green Card if she wants to open a salon in the USA.
Ha, ha! The American First Lady would not permit Mademoiselle Helena's grubby paws anywhere near her lovely hair!
Do you really mean all what you post Katana ? Have you ever considered Therapy ?
At least do you have a family to look after you ?
Punto, Michelle Obama is a tremdous racist. However, she would pay for a hair treatment from LNA because she wants to avoid looking like a "nappy head ho'"!!!
Niggers seem to enjoy white "grubby paws" as I see hung up wild nigs everyday in my salon, and it's me who permits them, not the other way around, stupid monkey !
Kunny the Hypocrite refuses to crawl back under his rock. Helena keeps him around as a pet, it seems.
Kurtis, dear...a Black man is president. Get over it!
Mademoiselle, I do hope you have washed the apprentice confectioner's 'hollandaise sauce' off your bony little fingers. It would be indeed a shame for the Paris Ministry of Health to shutter your little salon. Zut...I have forgotten! You have already been closed, no?
I got no sauce from him upon my fingers as he sent everything inside.
Only you have sauce upon your fingers because fags only allow you to hand-job their cock.
I don't care about that girl, but it's so funny to see you're still obsessed with her such a way.
I'm pretty certain you actually like each other as I already told you.
Punto, you are correct that a negro is president. However, by all accounts he has done a terrible job as president and is generally regarded as one of the worst and weakest presidents in American history already and he's not even a full two years into his term. His approval rating is down to 41% and dropping quickly. His black ass will be voted out in 2012 and you can take that to the bank!
Kurtis, G.W. has wisely kept his trap shut since skulking out of the White House. You should take a page from his book!
Zut... the dirty madame STILL refrains from condoms! Mon dieu!!
Kunny, you claim to be "happy to be away from all of you", yet, like a bad penny, you keep turning up!
Leave Kunny alone, what about yourself ? like a bad penis you keep rolling around in fag areas...you exposed yourself with the Dustin Diamond queer fantasy blog that must have turned on the wild perve you are
True, but at least you can't stalk me here, so there is a distance we can't have on IMDB.
Still advertising Kurt's sick 'blog', Helena? You and he wrote the book on perversion!
Apparently, this is Kunle's new favorite site. Why am I not surprised?
I don't care about that blog, only psychos like you and LNA-86 can laugh over those cartoons, but at least LNA is respectful towards people who don't stalk her whereas you stalk anyone who doesn't share your racist beliefs.
Yes, "respectful" enough to call you the "stupid monkey" that you so clearly are, lol!
And you, my friend, are the most insidious RACIST of all. We both know that.
Have you turned Jewish like me Kunny ?
Punto, do you still visit the "Dustin Diamond Queer Fantasies Blog" every day? I bet that you jerk off every day while visiting that blog!
"Monkey" is not a racial insult, we say that to little kids, but a perverted mind like yours hears "nigger".
Maybe you think you look like an ape, that's why you're so touchy.
LNA-86, I didn't know you were Jewish. I know your life is a cartoon and it seems Captain Cracker makes you sail under false colors.
Kurtis, are you still obsessing over the likes of Dustin Diamond?! I urge you to seek help immediately!!
"Kunle", who even believes you're writing these foolish retorts?
Kunny, if my life is a cartoon, yours is a parodic show.
You're playing us "The merchant of Venice" revisited : you are the Jew you've always dreamt to be, and you want to ridiculize the nig played by Punto (the merchant of books that worked in a library and that knows all History facts) as a revenge to all the humiliations you had in your own life, drawing the nig race in a parodic way.
Mademoiselle, truly you are mentally unstable. I will find you a good sanitarium, perhaps in Deauville. C'est bien, no?
I remember Kunle telling me all what you sent him off on IMDB back then...
when you're a nigger you have 2 choices to hide your hung up feelings : you stalk whites or you admit you're inferior to be accepted.
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