Sunday, August 23, 2009
PuntoTres Is Seeing a Therapist
Dr Moreau became concerned about the behavior of that nig of PuntoTres and ordered that nig to see a psychiatrist. Punto dressed up in human clothes and began talking through his problems. He mentioned his obsession with Kurt and LNA and how his nig father used to molest him. He also said that he was upset that the little white kids wouldn't play with him in gradeschool because they thought he was a wild ape. he said that he dreams that Kurt and LNA have a big car in his dreams, which the psychiatrist concluded meant that Punto has an inferiority complex stemming from his tiny ape cock.
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WOW, Punto !
I didn't know an analysis could say so much...
Punto, it's about time that you started seeing a psychiatrist! Maybe he'll help you figure out why you hate white people so much despite the fact that you secretly wish you were white.
Punto, you truly are a leech, aren't you? Dr. Moreau is nice to you and is paying for those therapy sessions and he has also let you eat fruit on his beach. However, you have shown him no respect at all. It is shocking that are so unbelievably ungrateful.
Punto, do you really see Kurt and I driving a big car in your dreams ?
At last we know the truth about that psycho.
Kunle ! you here ?
It's been a long time honey !
Are you happier posting with your new undercover account on IMDB ?
Punto, why are you such an Uncle Tom? Why are you so embarrassed about being as dark as night?
Sheena, are you getting banged by John Gosselin yet? He's lettin' it all hang out!
Punto, Kunle can't write all those filthy things you've been longing to do for years, he's way more educated than you'll ever be
And BTW, I have no idea who John Gosselin is...
Very nicely said, that bastard now writes under my name.
Do you have a family Punto ?
LNA, Knule, et al., Punto is still stalking us on That racist negroid is obsessed with our posts!'s KUNLE, not "Knule". Haven't I always taught you proper grammar? By the way, I'm going to the cemetery next week to see your father. Please let me know if you'll be going. Bye, darling!
Stil obsessed with grammar I see Punto...
where does that obsession come from ?
I meant "Still..."
Punto, how are you going to get to a cemetery? I have never seen a cemetery that had vines for you to swing on! When your ape brothers die do you revert to cannibalism and eat them like other primates do?
By the way dipshit, "grammar" refers to logical and structural rules that govern the composition of sentences, phrases, and words in a given natural language. Grammar has nothing to do with the spelling of a name! I'm not surprised that a bonobo like you with an IQ of 38 wouldn't know that. still haven't told me if you're going next week to the cemetery with me. Have you forgotten your poor mother?
Yeah, I wanted to tell him that but that jungle bunny would have replied he had no lessons to take from someone writing an "awkward English"
That nig is so stupid that he always refer to grammar when something we write upsets him but can't even see the difference between what is grammar or not...
Kurt, I hear you've been talking crap about me. I'll slap you in the mouth with my cock!
That greasy Parisian tart will be sued for her slanderous comments. Imagine me consorting with common Belleville trash. The very idea makes me ill!
Harry honey, everybody can see you having a good time with me on the island with the pictures of us together that nig added on this blog
Punto is the only one you can sue for violating your privacy but I'm not sure you want to make public the picture of you urinating upon me honey...
My point is proven, slut. What sort of woman would invite men to urinate upon them? A woman not fit even for the streets of Kings Cross!
you forget the pictures of us on ths ship where you're almost molesting me and I don't even mention what you did to the French confectionner you were jealous of...
what would people say honey ?
Punto, Jon Gosselin is a fat and ugly Asian. The fact that you've written many times on IMDB that you would like to have sex with him and that he is your "type" tells me that you are definitely ugly yourself - a good man knows his limitations and that is why you go for tubby Asians!
Also, why are you discussing golden showers? Isn't that what you request from random HIV+ dudes when you visit the LA rest stops and bathhouses?
Why are you so obsessed with LNA and me, among others? Why did you set up this pathetic blog to make fun of yourself and portray yourself as a victim? Man, you have some serious issues!
Woe is me! My son is a racist! I never taught him to hate Asian people, to denounce them as "ugly". What shall I do? What shall I do?! My Seymour would turn in his grave!
Stein, I'll kick your pasty ass in front of those brats of mine!
Punto nig, just write under my name one more time and I sue the wild animal you are.
Dear son - whom I'm losing patience with - conveniently forgets that he told me privately that he had no desire to ever meet this "LNA" creature, and also that she "has some problems", yet continues to pretend that they are friends. How crazy is that, I ask!
Who is this rapscallion maquerading under my name? Only an idiot would imagine that I use the Windsor name in daily communication! Who ould be so stupid?
whats up niggers!!!! it be i, Tyrone Jefferson, the father of PuntoTres. that jive-ass coon is ma' niglet!!! i hates dat faggot nigger. he done sucked a cock of a chinaman and i walked in on it and threw his gay ass out onto da' streets!!! that nigger is an embarrassment to me and his mama. we hates his black ass!!!!
There is only one Prince Harry in the world stupid motherfucker !
I'm so ashamed! My son hates non-White people! Where did he learn such bile? "chinaman", indeed!
If you ask me, Gertrude, Kurt probably had his ass handed to him regularly by Black guys growing up. Can you confirm, Ma'am?
Punto, you are really immature for 42-year-old!!! Yes, we all know that you have issues and hate the fact that you are black and gay.
If anyone got his ass handed to him in school, it was you! You probably got punched in the mouth and had a fat lip all of the time. However, your monkey lips are naturally so big that your parents didn't even notice that they were swollen to a larger size than usual!
Punto, why are talking about molestation after having revealed on the couch you had been abused yourself ?
Chickie, why do refuse to admit that this is your blog? Mama knows that it is. Tell me...why did you call Mr. Gosselin a "chinaman"?
You know, I actually feel sorry for that Paris tramp. That sort of girl...her father probably had his way with her when she was a child, if you know what I mean.
Punto, fuckin'nig, only chimps of your kind pratice such things with their father, it's typical to your owns.
your race is the most disgusting race on the planet, the closest to apes, and I understand you're ashamed of being what you are.
I respect Kunle because he openly admits a truth you try to hide stalking white people
yo punto, you iz an uncle tom, mutha fugga!!!! i knows that i wuz in jail while you wuz little, but dat don't give yous the right to be a bitch and take it up da azz from other mens!!! you iz a disgrace to all darkies!!!
you wuz so black when you wuz born that we thoughts dat yo mama was taking a shit, but it wuz you dat come out! but you iz a sellout now, servicing chubby chinamen!!
My dear, how many times did your father ravish you? Why did you not report it to les gendarmes?
I believe Mr. Gosselin is actually part Korean, but Kurt Stein is far too ignorant to draw the distinction.
Punto, to what are you referring? It appears as though YOUR OWN FATHER, Tyrone Jefferson, posted that Jon Gosselin was part Chinese. You should be upset are your dad, not me, you racist negro!
I'm part White, Stein, you asshole! Who knows, we may be related. My Dad does have a cousin Gertrude. And everybody knows that "Tyrone Jefferson" is really you, knucklehead! By the way, what the hell does "are your dad" mean? I thought you were a scholar of grammatical syntax.
Punto stupid nigger, seems like your chimp father left you a bad souvenir deep inside...
"deep inside" at the literal and figural sense at the same time in your case...
My dear, I believe the word you're searching so desperately for is f-i-g-u-r-a-t-i-v-e, not "figural". Please study your English textbook in greater depth.
whatever ! uncorrect grammar won't change the sense that is more than correct
Punto, have you ever tried to molest any of the kids in the library at the school in the LA Unified School District where you work? You really are a sicko! I bet that the parents of the Mexican kids warn their kids to stay away from your dirty black ass!!!!
Kurtis, you shouldn't label other people molesters just because Daddy touched you a few times twenty years ago! Tsk, tsk! And didn't you tell me that Punto fellow was on the Board of Ed?
Q : What is the difference between a déjà-vu and an nigger ?
A : With a déjà-vu you feel like you've seen it before, with a nigger you feel like you've smelt it before in addition of having seen it exactly the same bad looking creature a thousand times
I meant : "in addition of having seen exactly the same bad looking creature a thousand times before"
please Captain Cracker edit my previous post then delete this corrective one.
Q : What is the difference between a déjà-vu and an nigger ?
A : With a déjà-vu you feel like you've seen it before, with a nigger you feel like you've smelt it before in addition of having seen exactly the same bad looking creature a thousand times before
I've printed back the post with the corrections
please Captain Cracker delete my previous posts of 11:06 AM and 11:08 AM then delete this one.
Young lady, you'll get no points for intelligence, as we all can see! My word!
Do you have a feeling of déjà-vu when you see your owns Punto ?
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