Friday, May 15, 2009

Punto is a Featured Attraction at the Zoo !!!!

The antics of that nig of PuntoTres have become famous !!!! many spectators have been coming to the zoo to listen to that gay nig complain about his treatment !!!! the zookeeper has been making extra money be making Punto a featured attraction and charging money to see him. that nig has continued selling his anally produced butt-babies and hoped to buy his freedom with the sale. but the zookeeper won't let Punto buy his way out of jail.

the spectators at the zoo have been annoying Punto by throwing garbage down into his enclosure, hitting him in his ape face !!!!


lna86 said...

Hey Punto, is "Sambo" the female chimp a beard you use as a cover to hide the fact you have butt-babies having gay sex with male chimps or have you really plugged your tool in her pussy to have all those little nig-apes ?
are you sure she's not a travestite ?
Anyway, aren't you ashamed to trade your bastards like that ?

Kurt said...

Punto, do you enjoy it when the zoo visitors pelt you with beer cans and dogshit?

lna86 said...

Cracker, it's nice from you to let us post again with no comment moderation.
Punto nig continues to stalk me on IMDB reporting everything I post even what does not concern him
Will you do something with that smelly ape at last ?

Mrs. Stein said...

Who would stalk a cheap slut? Do you still dwell in the sewers below Paris, my dear?

lna86 said...

Even Kunle who avoids you as much as he can knows you follow me from board to board to harass me and to report my posts.
You even stalk people of your owns who don't share your racist beliefs
I prefer to be a slut as you call than being a smelly monkey fag that sells his butt-babies for bananas...

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

Mademoiselle...may I ask, what is a "butt-baby"?

lna86 said...

It's the modern world, a baby anally produced by male monkeys of your kind...

lna86 said...

BTW, I'm pretty certain the female chimp you call "Sambo" is actually a travestite, isn't she ?

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

Ah, ma cherie...I do believe you have misspelled TRANSVESTITE. How unfortunate, but what else is one to expect of a girl from a habitue of unseemly Belleville.

lna86 said...

Belleville is the parisian district of niggers like you dear Punto, and not necessary hoodlums, the dirty ones and illegal aliens with hijabs
My hairdressing salon is close by the Champs-Elysées and believe me those wild animals never come around, they just don't mix with the area

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

Ma cherie, one could argue that a woman who engages in casual, unprotected sex with a greasy-haired confectioner is the true "wild animal".

lna86 said...

wild for sex is not the same thing, stupid animal !

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

Mademoiselle, you are no more than a pig, rooting for truffles in the soil.

lna86 said...

I prefer being a free pig rooting for truffles than a a caught monkey like you people throw peanuts at...

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

Bien! Then your new nom de plume shall be...Miss Piggy!

lna86 said...

lna86 sounds way better and every men around recognize me unlike you that change your identity all the time and even usurp other people's

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

No, it is now "Miss Piggy", ma cherie.

lna86 said...

that name is already taken, stupid monkey !

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

The venerable Miss Piggy has bequeathed it to you, cherie!

lna86 said...

I'm not interested, the venerable queen of Great Britain will soon bequeath her title to me as I'm hangin' out with the red hot prince of Wales...

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

Cherie, Prince Harry would not sully his eclair on the likes of you!

prince Harry Windsor said...

What you think nigger ? that I'd rather have gay sex with a monkey of your kind ?

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

Well, you did attend a British boarding school, Harry.

lna86 said...

Punto, leave my red hot fucker alone !

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

Now, now, cherie, as I pointed out to the future HRH, British public schools are, as the saying goes, "all about rum, sodomy, and the lash".

Kurt said...

Punto, I read the the youngest graduate in the history of Harvard Law School caused an uproar in the super-sensitive black student body back in 2002 when he referred to blacks a "nigs" in class outlines posted on a publicly accessible website!

Maybe this guy would like to purchase you from Captain Cracker?

Kurt said...

PuntoTres, why are you such an Uncle Tom? Is it true that you only let Whites and Chinamen shit into your dirty afro? Why won't you let other apes use it as a toilet? You are an absolute disgrace!

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

"Chinamen"? Hmmm...Monsieur Kurt, you racism is on full display. You have betrayed your true feelings.

Kurt said...

Punto, I used the words that YOU use to describe Asians! Your racism knows no bounds!

lna86 said...

That nig actually hates every race he feels inferior to...

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

Racists of a feather flock together. Shame on both of you, but I am not surprised.

lna86 said...

We are way less racist than you are, if you hadn't stalked us we would have never cared about you...

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

Madame, you have a penchant for horses as well? What a wicked little twist you re!

lna86 said...

my red hot stallion is more human than you'll ever be, moron !

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

Madame Piggy, I am told that zoophilia is illegal in our country. Has Sarkozy amended this rule?

lna86 said...

my red stallion is British anyway
and don't forget you're the only one caught at the zoo...

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

Ah, British. I see. Uncut. Better clean him up first, Madame.

Kurt said...

Punto, you are sub-human and have an awful inferiority complex! You need to accept that you are always going to smell like rotting garbage and will always have an IQ of 65. Move on with your pathetic life and stop stalk Captain Cracker, LNA, and me!

lna86 said...

His Royal scepter might cut your dick head...

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

Monsieur Stein, don't you mean Captain Cock? Is that not what your dear mother calls him?

lna86 said...

Punto, don't call other people any of your mother's pet names...

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

I do not think you have a mother, cherie. You sprang forth from sewer garbage below Paris, I have heard.

lna86 said...

I haven't only heard about you punto ape, I follow your adventures everyday and Captain Cracker controls them.
you're even less than a slave, you're a puppet on a string

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

But Mademoiselle, his nom de guerre is Captain Cock. I should think you'd remember that, being an acknowledged expert in sausage.

Kunle2002 said...

I'd be really pleased to throw something at that stalker.

lna86 said...

Tell him next time you see him, I think he'll soon come back to you Punto.

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

But cherie, are you not the good Captain's peg-girl?

lna86 said...

I don't care about Captains when I have a Prince in my bed...

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

Perhaps the Prince can transform you from a pig into a beauty with a kiss.

lna86 said...

talking about fantasy, do you know what the legends say about the creation of the nigger people ?

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

Similar legends contend that Woman - in the persona of Eve - destroyed the Garden of Eden, cherie.

lna86 said...

That's why you turned gay ?

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

Nightmarish photos of your face have turned many a man gay, cherie.

lna86 said...

you'd rather say ugly photos of niggers have turned many women zoophile as monkeys are better looking...

Kurt said...

Punto, why do you smell like a big pile of dogshit? Take a shower for once in your life, you vile and disgusting animal!

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

Cherie, as Queen of the Bonobos, you are the expert in human-ape relations.

Michelle Obama said...

Oh dear Helena ! I'd be really happy to meet you for a relax upon my Afro curls, I'm fed up with tangled hair with Barack every morning

Kunle2002 said...

Michelle Obama is ugly anyway, relaxing her hair won't change a thing.

lna86 said...

This afternoon the Parisian subway was infested with filthy niggers like always
Those creatures are dirtier than any wild animal on earth
Please Captain Cracker do something !!!!!!
Take those nigs away from my country ! I'm sick of those wild animals !!!!!

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

Cherie, did you remember to wear your deodorant in the metro today? I know you are not accustomed to this.

lna86 said...

the best thing to have in the subway is nig-away
those wild animals deserve that

I don't stink like you do, stupid monkey...

Kurt said...

Punto, why did you start referring to yourself as "Punto"? Is it because "Punto" is very similar to "Pinto"? I know that you drive a rusty purple 1978 Ford Pinto, so I suppose you are paying homage to your beloved shitmobile by called yourself "Punto"!!!

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

Ah, as you, Monsieur Stein, are paying "homage" to Kurt Waldheim, prominent Nazi and your spiritual godfather.

lna86 said...

why are you so obsessed with nazis Punto ?
you secretly wish you were one or what ?

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

Ma cherie, YOU are the pre-eminent Nazi in contemporary France.

lna86 said...

How can you call a Nazi someone that has sex with jews ?

Kurt said...

Punto, you are an Uncle Tom and an absolute disgrace to the negroid race! You fantasize about being white 24 hours of the day because you hate being dark as night. This is probably why you have all of those queer fantasies about overweight white dudes that you post about on IMDB.

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said... are a card, as always, Monsieur Stein!

lna86 said...

Punto, are you happy to be a jungle bunny ?

Kurt said...

Punto, do you prefer to live in the Ape House at the zoo or in the wild on Dr. Moreau's island? The food is probably better at the zoo, although you do need to deal with the visitors who throw garbage down at you.

lna86 said...

Dear Captain Cracker, do you think you're taking that nigger back to the island he belongs soon ?

Captain Cracker said...

My dear Miss Piggy, I would rather bring a lusty wench like yourself to my tropical paradise! We shall dine on coconuts and "raw fish". Your cage awaits...

Kurt said...

Punto, have you caught any STDs from the other male chimps in your cage? Has the zookeeper guy made love to you? I bet you enjoy being a zoo bitch, don't you!

Captain Cracker said...

Mateys...I need a new pegboy for me next voyage to Bali! I want the one who calls himself Kurt, aka "Flaming Gay Fan". He'll be a Jolly Roger when the boys are through with 'im!

lna86 said...

Punto who do you think you're foolin' posting under Captain Cracker's identity ?
Do you think we're stupid or are you more stupid than we thought ?
When you go to a night club, do you also try to pass yourself as a cracker to be admitted ?
if it works you can get rich by selling your secret worldwide, NUMEROUS niggers would be interested, believe me....

Kurt said...

Captain Cracker, I think that you should delete the comments above that were clearly posted under your name by PuntoTres! That negro loves impersonating other people because he hates being a darkie!

Captain Cracker said...

Arghh! Ye bloody wench! Ye'll be a fine addition to me a shipboard pump! There'll be plenty of condoms aboard, as well; can't have me old seadogs polluted by a disease-ridden twist like yourself! Tell is the confectioner's bastard?

Captain Cracker said... ol' seadogs are waitin' to stuff your pretty mouth and that tight little cornhole I've heard so much about. After a bit o' rum and sodomy, we'll sing sea chanties!

lna86 said...

Punto, you're the only one here that trades his bastards for bananas
Evolved people know what to do when they don't want to widden the family and never make money with that like niggers...

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said... English is tres bon, but I confess I am unfamiliar with the term "widden". Please explain.

lna86 said...

I meant "extend", I was almost certain I was making a nonsense, but it doesn't change anything on facts

lna86 said...

BTW, "chérie" takes an acute accent and "très" takes a grave accent unlike "Punto TRES"
You can't say your French is "très bon"

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

I expect the good Captain's men will "widden" a certain orifice of your body, mademoiselle.

lna86 said...

If he takes me on board, I will take my lovers with me, I'm a party girl but I like to chose the men I sleep with, unlike you...

Jonathan Pouilly-Camembert said...

Let us hope, cherie, that the confectioner does not stowaway on the vessel and murder you in a jealous rage.

lna86 said...

Only my red hot prince could do that, he's really a jealous guy