The judge has finally reached a verdict in the trial of Dr Moreau!! Captain Cracker's intimidation of the prosecutor in the robing room has borne fruit - the prosecutor was so scared that he dropped most of the charges against Moreau and forgot that Coy Hot but him!!!!! The judge liked the Nig-repellent so much that he confiscated as much as he could. The judge dropped the animal rights charges against Moreau, but did find Moreau guilty of illegal trafficking of the "Nig-Away" repellent. The judge kept the Nig-Away samples and money taken in a search of Moreau's island. The judge sentenced Moreau to three months in jail, but with credit for time served, Moreau was free to go.
In a shocking development, the judge sentenced that nig of PuntoTres to six months in jail for stalking LNA Miller!!!!! PuntoTres looked like a typical nig wearing the pink overall he stole from LNA and was in total shock when he heard his sentence!!!!!!!!!
Friday, January 30, 2009
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Hmmm...that suit constitutes "overalls"? Somebody needs an optometric exam. If Captain Hook even knows what that means.
HA!! HA!! HA!! nigga!
You thought you could screw Captain Cracker ?
Oh dude !! I'll ship you back to the island you belong stupid nigger !
Shouldn't you say "WHERE you belong", Hook? I guess pirates don't get much schooling. Too busy playing the pegboy, it seems.
My filthy language was good enough to scare that stupid prosecutor.
HA!! HA!! HA!!!
Ready to go home Punto ?
HA!! HA!! HA!!!
Punto, I think you need to update your wardrobe - you look like Mr. T in that picture!
Hi Kurt, do you think Punto will soon get back to Dr Moreau's island and that we'll be left alone ?
I'm fed up with that nigger stalker
Kurt, are you going to take responsibility for Helena's baby? You know it's the right thing to do.
Punto, I think the Great Ocean road to Dr Moreau's island is already mapped out for you...
You don't even know what the Great Ocean Road is, Creepela. I doubt you've ever read a book. Now, go look it up...
I do, but whatever, it does not change the fact that the Great Ocean road to Dr Moreau's island is already mapped out for you...
Wow, what a witty retort, lol!
Punto, will you have Internet access in your cage on Moreau's island?
Kurt, you've still not announced your intentions for Creepela's baby?
The kid is mine stupid nigger, LNA is my wife, watch your dirty ape mouth !
I wonder what Jeremy Miller's agent/manager would make of this site...
Shut the fuck up everybody !
LNA is my personal slut !
I'm crazy for that Parisian babe and even left my official girlfriend for her pussy.
Jeremy, get lost ! can you compare your fat Kosher squirt gun to my Royal big gun ?
Punto, is LNA pregnant? If so, the baby certainly isn't mine, as I have never met LNA.
Do you still whore yourself out to junkies and other vagrant men in the public restroom by the bike paths in Venice Beach?
Oh, I're jewve-been-framed's bitch. As for Creepela's 'baby', the father could be any of a thousand men in the Belleville district.
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and Rocco Buttafuoco are obsessed with those bike paths! You must perform a lot of flute recitals over there!
Do cannibals of your kind enjoy flute recitals when buddies are playing bongos upon their butt ?
Congats, Creepela, you finally wrote something amusing! Utterly nonsensical, but amusing nonetheless. It should be included in a Weird Poetry Anthology 2009.
Punto, do you take your sentence easy ?
Have you leanrt from stalking me ?
Now you're incoherent again, Creepela.
Why don't you listen to Kunle's lessons more often ?
he speaks the truth about how black people feel themselves.
He chose to speak his mind, while you chose to hide your hung up feelings behing an arrogant behaviour, does it change facts ?
The only fact I know is that you're a wackjob, Creepela.
Whatever happened to "Sheena" ?
I think the monicker "Creepela" suits your nature better.
Why do you give nicknames to all the people you stalk ?
BTW, why have you dubbed my friend Stearman444 "Myron" ?
Does he remind you a white person you hate that was named like that ?
I named the fool "Myron" to annoy him.
That paraphrase is not an answer, you definitely want to annoy every white people you meet but never admit it's because you hate white people...
Oh, know SO much about me, Creepela.
That makes no sense, stupid nigger !
What's your level of education, Creppela?
My level of education, as you say, speaks itself since I chat with you in your language when yourself can't make a damn comment in mine.
Stupid spade !
So you won't answer the question then, Creepela?
I hold a master in sex business, what about you ?
Somehow I knew that was your only schooling, Creepela, lol!
I went at the University stupid nigger, and had lots of parties there...
I think yourself hold a bachelor of banana trade.
Yes, I'm sure that Parties 101 was your favorite course.
It's better than having sex with bonobos lke you.
I also had to work at a hairdresser salon to pay my studies and made tons of cash with tips from cuties that wanted to have more from me...
Then I opened my own salon when I realized I could mix pleasure with business.
You're sure you're not Annabel Chong?
Maybe Captain Cracker who deals with Asians could sell the pervert slave you are to that slut if you like her.
I take my time to appreciate guys I love, 2 at the same time is my limit.
Yes, I'm sure you enjoy a good swordfight!
Punto, do you let random men you meet plug their one-eyed monster in your ass or are you a catcher ?
He's just a stalker.
Creepela Gruesome, actually, "catcher" means the same as what you first said, dumbass.
Oh sorry, but I still can learn
Should we say a "taker" then ?
That's definitely what YOU are, ma cherie!
Punto, have you ever been taken in sandwich ?
Concernng myself I enjoy it with mixed sauces and try new recipes as much as I can...
Jeremy taught me as he made commercials for Mac Donald's
Do you know Harry's bread ? you can make the best sandwiches with that
the Kosher-royal jelly one might be the next one I try...
It's McDonald's, actually
This is all you can say...
Talkin' grammar when people talk about serious things...
If the repartee of yourself and Kurt Stein constitutes "serious" discussion, this world really might go to hell in a handbasket!
Do the intelligent White people you know in real life find you too smelly for them for you to waste your time stalking people like us you find mentally inferior to you ?
That is TRULY a run-on sentence!
Punto, why are you still posting and complaining about me? I haven't visited this blog for several days. You really are a stalking psycho!!!
A run-on sentence about a slave on the run....
This comment from a clown who started a blog to attack me? And I don't mean this one, but your previous blog which "Cracker" initially posted on. Who is the true "psycho"?
Punto, my blog is for queer fans of Dustin Diamond! I only wrote a post about you because you were harassing me on IMDB!
Ah, I knew you were queer! Finally, you admit it! You created an entire site that was about me, not Diamond.
It is a parody blog, you moron! I joke about the stuff you really do. You probably do meet random dudes for unprotected sex at highway rest stops! Did you ever find out who infected you with HIV - I'm sure you are a bug chaser!!!
Still playing butt-bongo with jewve, Kurt?
Your attempts to claim I have HIV would work better for the Parisienne Pump, who regularly engages in unprotected sex. I'll bet that baby of hers is yours, Kurt!
Unprotected sex is far less dangerous with a random white dude than with a selected nigger...
It's interesting that Kurt is afraid to say that word himself.
Punto it's good to see you got a term in jail where you belong! I hope some of your "brothers" give you a nice buttslamming to welcome you!
Rocco are ya? How's Joey?
Punto, are you now complaining that I haven't been calling you a "nigger"??? LOL! You really are nuts!!! Please seek professional help!
You finally got some cojones, Kurt!
But really, if I was obsessed with Dustin Diamond's sex life - as you are - I wouldn't be calling other folks "nuts"!
Punto, you are yourself obsessed with the sex life of people you don't know.
Honey, Jeremy and Harry would NEVER look twice at you! Get over your tawdry obsessions!
You're the only one obsessed with that love story since you visit here everyday to keep tuned like a dog longing for his bone...
How appropos that a bitch in heat should mention dogs.
Punto, I have sex everyday with every cutie I want unlike you that has to pay monkeys with peanuts for that...
Punto, the Dustin Diamond Queer Fantasies blog is clearly a parody blog! It's for fun! Why haven't you figured this out yet? Everyone else already knows the score!
But why would any sane person go to such extremes to speculate about the likes of Dustin Diamond? Why are YOU so fascinated with him? It's not normal!
Punto, why do you claim white people smell like "dogs in the rain" ?
Do you think the're biologically inferior to you ?
correction, you say : "WET dogs in the rain"...
I guess Kurt is stumped for an answer to my question.
History proves that Black civilisations have always been unable to evolve without White people.
We can't deny Historical facts, and for the "biological" question, most of Black women openly admit their wish to find a white man to have better-looking kids and to build a better quality of life.
Punto, why do you stalk white people on IMDB? Why do you blame them for all of the problems in your life, including your low IQ, awful b.o., homosexuality, and the various STDs you have acquired over the years?
You'd still be swinging from vines in the jungles in africa if Captain Cracker hadn't taken you under his wing!
Kurt, WHY will you not admit your perverse sexual obsession with Dustin Diamond, including these weird scenarios you present involving his scatological practices? Have you seen an analyst? I think you should. And your insults are tired enough to make anyone a narcoleptic!
I'm almost certain that Kunle that loves jews enjoys the Dustin Diamond blog...
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