Monday, December 22, 2008

Dr. Moreau's Trial, Part VI

Coy Hot and Bowack, "The Wack Boa," have taken the witness stand to testify in Dr Moreau's trial !!!! Coy Hot is Cracker's guard dog and testified that he sometimes helps Cracker catch nig slaves like that nig of PuntoTres. Coy Hot got mad at the questions directed toward him and bit both the prosecutor and the judge !!!!

Bowack said that he hated nigs and that his job was to to track nigs by their horrible shit b.o. smell!!!!! Bowack warned the judge and prosecutor to take care of their business in a more subtle way.


Anonymous said...

Ruff !!!!! Ruff !!!! I hate that nig PuntoTres.!!! He tastes like day old dog shit when I bit him!!!!! I got rabies from him!!! That nig belongs in jail!!!!!

Anonymous said...

That crazy stalker Punto must be happy to find all his friends back to the !

Anonymous said...

Punto, I had a nice relaxing Christmas vacation. Does your voodoo religion have any celebrations at the end of December? Are you a witchdoctor and, if so, did you sacrifice any chickens to appease "the gods"?

Anonymous said...

Punto, are you so jealous of Kunle2002 ?
Are you mad at him to see he does not hate white people like you do, or what ?

Anonymous said...

lna, in all honesty, your armpits are an excellent place for a Stick-Up! Phew!

Anonymous said...

Punto, if you stalk me again I will come to the trial so that to testify against you...

Anonymous said...

Punto is one of the numerous identity you used on IMDB to stalk me and many of my friends who had to leave this site because of you
You're also definitely obsessed by Kurt Stein to usurp his name like that all the time, turning it into a parody

Anonymous said...

Hey nigger, why do spades of your kind smell like shit ?

Captain Cracker said...

Smelly nig of PuntoTres !!!!!! Captain Cracker will get you soon !!!!!! Your shit smell gives you away!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Captain Cracker please ! will you finally do something with that runaway slave ?

Captain Cracker said...

Captain Cracker is hot on your trail, you smelly nig of PuntoTres!!!!! Maybe I will come at you with a street sweeper and you'll get stuck in it again like a dumb ape!!! Captain Cracker knows that your afro has grown long and is very greasy as it has not been washed for 6 weeks now. There is much shit and garbage stuck in your afro!!!! A nig as smelly as you cannot hide for long!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

HA!! HA!! I love you Cracker !
Could you pass by the area I live to clear off coons ?

Anonymous said...

Punto, don't stalk Harrynom using other people's identity, vilain perve !
Harrynom, FYI Punto posts here under several identities, especially using parody names close to ours...

Anonymous said...

Ha, Ha, lna-86..don't you remember that "vilain" has TWO ls?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I know it takes 2 "l" in English (not in French), I posted too fast...thanks to you