Tuesday, November 4, 2008

PuntoTres at a Nice Restaurant

Captain Cracker's agent spotted that nig of PuntoTres eating at an expensive restaurant recently!!!!! Punto's awful odor stunk up the entire restaurant and he was bothering everyone and stealing silverware! The waiter got mad and offered a non-menu item to Punto, a place of shit. Punto quickly ordered the dish and liked it when the waiter farted right in his face. The shit and farts reminded Punto of his days in the jungle and at the zoo when he would eat feces produced by himself and other apes!!!!! like most nigs, Punto ate his meal quickly and then walked out without paying! So now even more police are looking for that smelly nig.


Anonymous said...

Punto, you really are a sicko, aren't you? You are salivating as that dude drops ass right in your face while you stare at the pile of shit on your plate!

Anonymous said...

And as usual, you leave without paying like you did in my hairdressing salon...

Anonymous said...

Punto, is that semen dripping from your lips???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Punto is away, busy to turn himself into the "Black Dwarf" so that to succeed to the 'Jolly Green Giant' as he always wished...

Anonymous said...

Punto you are one sick bastard! You pretend to be uppity and straight, and the 1st chance you get you're eating another man's shit and farts!


Anonymous said...

That "puntotres" link doesn't work, Einstein.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you think you need to pay for anything? Are you already on the the Obama, "let someone else pay for it" plan?


Anonymous said...

Because money does not exist in the world of apes, they offer their ass for bananas and chase the enemy to take his territory...

Anonymous said...

That plate of shit looks like what America is going to be eating for the next four years! :( Punto, is that particular dish very popular where you come from?

Anonymous said...

Punto, I was wrong about Hussein Obama winning. You must be happy - maybe Obama will increase allowable purchases for your food stamps so that you can purchase a nice big plate of shit and farts with your weekly food stamps.

Anonymous said...

In France, all the black community was singing in the streets, trains and buses...for a country they don't live...
This is the evidence people don't care about political facts but only the man...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Punto, it's me, Dr. Jack Kevorkian (aka "Dr. Death"). I'd like you to come to my office so that I can run some tests on you. I'll need to hook you up to one of the medical machines I invented.

Captain Cracker said...

Stupid nigger of PuntoTres!!! Stop trying to ruin Captain Cracker's blog with idiot political posts!!!!! Dumb nig, I will catch you sooner or later.

Captain Cracker said...

Stupid nig of my ass, Captain Cracker has had enough of you posting under everyone else's name and will delete these stupid comments swiftly!!!! Captain Cracker will through a tainted banana into your cage at the zoo and you will get sick during your trip back to Dr Moreau!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"through"? Don't you mean T-H-R-O-W, Sheena? How ignorant!!

Anonymous said...

I am not the Captain, stupid ape with no brain !
Didn't you say you would leave us for good ?