Thursday, October 30, 2008

Picture of PuntoTres Bathing in His Own Feces!!!

Here is a candid picture of that nig of PuntoTres bathing in his own shit! After his scary encounter with the street sweeper, that nig took his monthly bath. as usual, that smelly ape took a shit in the bathwater and his feces were soon floating around with him. Remembering what happened with the street sweeper, PuntoTres grabbed a stolen toaster and thought that the toaster was a mini 'garabage sweeper.' That stupid nig placed a large pile of shit on top of the toaster thinking it would be cleaned and swept away in now time. However, what ended up happening was that PuntoTres ruined the toaster, which now has shit stuck to the inside coils!!!!

Ha ha ha!!! Captain Cracker is amazed that smelly nig didn't electrocute himself!!! Punto's ape brain is too dumb to tell the difference between a street sweeper and a toaster!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I knew you were stupid Punto, but you're really beating all your previous scores !
Confusing a toaster with a "home-sweeper" as you call...and bathing with it...come on !

Anonymous said...

Screw pasty Kurt and screw LNA!!!!!! So what if I enjoy bathing in my own filth? It's the natural way to clean oneself!!! LOL!!!!! Beside, my feces are the same color as my skin, so I don't see what the problem is with this!!!!! I stole a new toaster so that I can toast some ribs!!

Captain Cracker said...

Dammit PuntoTres, my agents were closing in on you today until you escaped out the window at the LA library this afternoon!!!!! With your smelly nig odor, I'll catch you soon!!!! And stop posting under the names of other people, you dumb spade!!! Don't try to impersonate a human being when you are only an ape yourself!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Captain, obviously, you're itching for some cock, too!

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha...I knew Kurt Stein The Closet Fag controlled this site.

Anonymous said...

Katana, you're pitiful
nothing else to say.

Anonymous said...

Punto, I love it how you actually think I am behind this blog! It seems as though you assume that I am the only one who could have possibly figured out that you were posting fake messages under my name - you truly are as dumb as you appear to be! It's no wonder that the only job you could get was as an affirmative action hire with the a library in the Los Angeles Board of Education! Zoinks!

Anonymous said...

Punto, I so want to drop a meaty shit on your head!!! Please let me know when this can be done as I have recently eaten a large meal of taco bell and guacamole and my ass is creaking!!


Anonymous said...

kunle...I already know that's not you. Nice try, Sheena.

Anonymous said...

Kurt Stein, a.k.a Dustin Diamond's "Flaming Gay Fan", still imagines that he knows what I do for a living. What a joke!

Anonymous said...

Rocco, call Hardon. Maybe he and Kurt are ready for a menage with you!

Anonymous said...

It burns losers like yourselves that you can't say whatever you like on Imdb. Poor babies!

Anonymous said...

Punto, I don't usurpate other people's identity like you do

Anonymous said...

Punto, you're just upset because Captain Cracker found a picture of you bathing in your own shit! Are you embarrassed that the whole world now knows your secret?

Anonymous said...

HA! HA! I love your blog Captain !
I really love it !
That nig should share his tub with Officer nigger for more feces : the most, the merriest !

Anonymous said... are you? Remember when the Imdb administrators kicked you to the curb? I do.

Anonymous said...

Sheena, what the fuck does "usurpate" mean, lol?

Anonymous said...

Kurt, how was the scat party at Rocco's? I heard you had a GOOD time!!

Anonymous said...

It means "to usurp" in old English...

Anonymous said...

Try to learn CONTEMPORARY English, ma cherie.

Anonymous said...

This is what I'm doing posting here, you moron !

Anonymous said...

No haircuts today, ma cherie?

Anonymous said...

No, I have better things to do with my private customers, what about you ?

Anonymous said...

Shave your armpits first, Sheena!

Anonymous said...

Has the monkey you are ever heard about permanent epilation ?

Anonymous said...

Harrynom, how are you doin' buddy ?

Anonymous said...

PuntoTres/warakurna67, I don't understand your obsession with me. Is it because you envy my white skin, superior IQ, or financial success? Or could it be that you are jealous because you are too ugly to get girls and were therefore forced to "turn gay" years ago?

Are you blaming me for the fact that you contracted HIV and herpes from random queers at the Los Angeles-area gas station and shopping mall bathrooms over the last 15 years?

You really need some help to come to terms with your crappy and unsuccessful life, don't you?

Anonymous said...

I stink of shit. I stink of shit. Let me fling some shit.

Anonymous said...

It's great being white. I mean really great. Maybe one day Punto will achieve its dream and become white like me.

Anonymous said...

wyatt earp, if it's so "great", why do pasties spend BILLIONS each year on tanning products? Because they feel sexually inferior to darker-skinned folks.

Anonymous said...

Stein, can you not come up with new insults? I thought you posessed a superior IQ. Doesn't seem so.

Anonymous said...

Punto/warakurna67, your tanning "argument" is one of the dumbest things I have ever read.

In a similar vein, why do blacks always push for affirmative action-based racial preferences that are in no way merit-based? To borrow some of your terminology, could it be because they fell "intellectually inferior" to asians, whites, etc.???

Punto, what did you score on your SAT? Don't tell me you don't remember - I know you are much older than us, but I am certain you remember the borderline-retarded 510 combined score that you scored!

Anonymous said...

Dear Kurt Stein's Flat White Ass, (if that is your name!) white people get a natural tan that comes from being in the sun. Some whites think it looks exotic or whatever. This is just another bonus of being white. The ability for your skin to take a golden beautiful tone can hardly be compared to wanting to be black which is one hell of a difference in the color spectrum. Don't hate, God's the one that made us like this!

Anonymous said...

Actually, AA in the workplace applies to ANYONE not a White male, and the primary beneficiaries have been White females. Educational AA goes to Blacks, Latinos and Native Americans, in no particular order. Anyone who claims otherwise is a willfully ignorant racist.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Wyatt Earp, nature evolved you that way, as an adaptation to living in colder climes. And many tanned Whites I've seen are hardly "golden" and "beautiful", but rather leathery to my eyes. Lol...the Miami Beach look!

Anonymous said...

Captain Cracker, Punto has posted under my name again. I demand that you delete the post from 12:50 PM!

Anonymous said...

Captain Cracker, Punto is also posting as Rocco! Do something about this. You need to round of Punto and return him to Dr. Moreau!

Anonymous said...

Punto, deodorant is just something White people use as an extra to have a pleasant smell, whereas black people need it to cover their awful smell
White people's corporal odor is not stinky, yours is...

Anonymous said...

Punto, remember that time when you showed up for junior high on Halloween? Remember how your skin was as dark as night at the time? Remember how you won an award for "Best Costume" and the school's principal said that your "turd costume" was the best costume he had seen? Remember when you started crying because you weren't even wearing a costume and the principal had confused your dark skin and wretched stench with fecal matter? You sure got screwed over that time!

Remember how from that day on you have hated all people with white skin?

Anonymous said...

kurt..."round of"? What the fuck does that mean, exactly?

Anonymous said...

Sheena, is that why Whites smell like wet dogs in the rain?

Anonymous said...

Wet dogs in the rain ?
you're the only one on Earth to make that statement...
On the other hand, Black people's smell reminds the odor of shit to everybody...
How do you explain Kurt, who lives on the other side of the planet, describes your smell the same way I do ?

Anonymous said...

Neil/Kurt...your "Remember" post is a dead giveaway. You cribbed that that from your silly Dustin Diamond blog. What a loser!

Anonymous said...

"reminds the odor"? Oh, Sheena, I thought you were going to speak modern English!

Anonymous said...

Sheena, if you smell something unpleasant, close your legs!

Anonymous said...

That part smells paradise, it's Karcherized everyday...

Captain Cracker said...

Punto, stupid nig, stop posting under other peoples names !!!!! Captain Cracker is not happy with you, idiot bonobo !!!!! Well well well dudes, Captain Cracker's agents are going to get Punto at the end of the weekend. It will be hard to catch that nig on Halloween because other people will be dressed up as monkeys, so Punto will blend right in !!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What I really want, a pirate's booty! Yo ho ho!

Anonymous said...

Kurt Stein's Flat White Ass,

You might have evolved from apes and sea life, but I was made by God.

Anonymous said...

Wyatt Earp, go shtup Sarah Palin, you freak.

Anonymous said...

Wyatt Man, you are only partially correct. The only thing from the sea that jigs evolved from is whale shit! Coincidentally, the reason why sharks rarely attack nigs in the ocean is because they mistake nigs for whale shit!

Anonymous said...

Well, 'anonymous', I don't know what whale caca resembles, but I do know that birdshit is WHITE. Who squirted you out? A pigeon?

Anonymous said...

WRONG Punto !
Birdshit isn't always white, and you should know it since a pigeon defecated black shit on you when Bowack caught you, right before Dr Moreau gives you the formula...
Is it the side-effect that makes you forget ?

Anonymous said...

Sheena, if I was the descendant of the Wild Boy of Aveyron, I would shut my trap quickly.

Anonymous said...

You're the direct descendant of slaves, so you can talk...

Anonymous said...

But not smelly cave-dwellers like your ancestors, Sheena.

Anonymous said...

Can't you find something else to say ?
You've already told that numerous times, smelly ape....

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for more comics! This board is getting nice and spicy....warakurna does it anger you that you can't randomly and for no reason delete our messages? Does it make you cry? How's the bike path, and have you watched Fletch yet?


Anonymous said...

Quick update. warakurna67 still smells like shit and wishes he was white.

Anonymous said...

Wyatt Earp, go shtup Sarah Palin, you freak.


Now you're trying to be a Yid? Why can't you be proud to be black?

Anonymous said...

Punto, why do you bathe in your own shit? Do you enjoy using a big turd as a piece of soap?

Anonymous said...

I bathe in shit to retain my super stank, and sometimes I use diarrhea as a soothing moisturizer to keep my skin super stinky. It's great.

Anonymous said...

Punto, I just got back from grocery shopping. There was a black couple in front of me that purchased 3 dozen eggs and about 60-70 bananas, but nothing else. I immediately thought of you! Isn't that the same diet that Dr. Moreau fed you?

Anonymous said...

Rocco...which bike path are you referring to? How's life at the Bada Bing?

Anonymous said...

As I've said numerous times, if White folks LOVE being pale, WHY do they spend BILLIONS each year on tanning products? No chucklehead on this board has been able to answer that. And Sheena, please stay away from St. might scare someone!

Anonymous said...

Captain Cracker, the racist Punto has been posting under the names of Rocco, LNA, and me again. Maybe you should ban his IP?

Anonymous said...

Punto, I know you're jealous of my sexual life with Whites but it's not a reason to usurp my identity to express the fantasies you actually burn to make
I told you if you want to have sex with cuties you can't reach, just send me you cock...

Anonymous said...

Punto, what did you dress up as for Halloween? I went as a super hero and got some attention from the ladies.

I'll bet you look just like a turd covered in HIV+ semen, didn't you? I bet you got some attention from dudes at the truck stop stop!

Captain Cracker said...

Well well well dudes, PuntoTres is a stupid SPADE !!!!! Stop posting under other peoples names !!!!!!!! i am going to tell Dr Moreau about what you have been doing and he will not be happy !@!!!! he will whip you and sell you off to some asians who will be sure to treat you like shit !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Kurt...which superhero were you, The Beast?

Anonymous said...

Sheena, you WISH you could see my cock! You'll never be so privileged! Dream on!

Anonymous said...

i luv fucking other niggers in prison !!!! i got hiv in there!!! best time of my gorilla life!!! LOL!!!!!!! so many gay niggers to blow!!!!! it was just like the zoo!!!!!!!!! great times, great times !!!!! LOL!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I STINK OF SHIT. I'm a black homo that no other black people would be caught dead near because most blacks are extremely homophobic but that's okay it's all whitey and the jews fault! I obsess over white people and being white. I spout the same stupid shit 24/7 while dreaming of big white cocks slapping me in the face and pounding my black ass.

Oh, and I stink of shit, just in case you didn't notice.

Anonymous said...

Wakurna don't post as me you piece of dog crap! I was talking about your beloved boardwalk/drug hangout/bike path? Do you still hang out there in super tight bike shorts so all the dudes can see your junk?


Anonymous said...

Punto, there is no way I would see your cock even in my wildest dreams...

Captain Cracker said...

Stupid nig of PuntoTres !!!!! Stop posting under the names of other people !!!!! how dare you bear false witness in this manner!!! Dr Moreau might dissect you for causing me these headaches !!!!

Anonymous said...

Sheena, I prefer tiny, cheese-filled, uncut wieners. Is that what Kurt Stein's looks like?

Anonymous said...

yo, i gots a tiny nigger IQ - 75. dat makes me a retard by most standards, but a genius within the ape nigger community. i also gots a tiny cock. when i went ta jail fo molesting kids at the library, i done got raped by Bubba and Mylo, my bunk mates. Bubba was white and Mylo was black and they both had cocks much bigger than mine and hated me!!! i tried to lip off to them and then them made me give lip service to their diseased members!!!

Anonymous said...

Kurt speaking to Kurt ?
Nice try psycho Punto....
You're lost in your game such you have a low IQ!

Anonymous said...

Punto, you racist idiot, why are you obsessed with me??? You really do hate being black, don't you? LNA is correct - why would I speak to myself in a comment? What an idiot you are!

But seriously, I need to know - is all of the Jerry Curl that you use in your afro a fire hazard? Would your head ignite in flames if you walked past a campfire? If so, how do you protect your greasy 'fro when lighting your crack pipe? Please get back to me soon, buddy!

Anonymous said...

HA! HA! You're right lna!
That nig is an ass! he's too stupid to know what he's doing. Don't forget he's a dumb nigger, a former cannibal with no brain brought in the USA by accident.
OUNGA !!! OUNGA !!!!!

Anonymous said...

harryass, did you enjou getting your posts deleted on Imdb? I know I did.

Anonymous said...

Kurt, I must have been drunk that night when I fucked you. I wouldn't touch a pasty flat-ass like yourself! Did I at least come inside of you? By the way, it's J-E-R-I curl, not "Jerry" curl. I'd forgotten how gramatically-challenged you are.

Anonymous said...

Punto, your HIV+ ass would never get near me, as I go to heterosexual dance clubs and bars on the weekends, whereas you go to the truck stop located off the 10 on the way to Las Vegas! Also, there aren't too many blacks at the places I frequent. I don't exactly hang out at the KFC like you do!

Seeing as how I have never used JERI Curl, I cannot be expected to be an expert in black hair products. Similarly, I wouldn't expect you to know the spellings of various "white" hygiene products for which you have no use, such as "deodorant" or "mouthwash"!!!! Zoinks!

Anonymous said...'re not an expert in anything, my friend. Does Dustin Diamond hit the 'heterosexual' bars with you? Do you blow him in a restroom stall? Does Rocco watch? Inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

Punto, why are you so obsessed with Kurt's sexuality ?
Are you in love with him and wishing he were gay like you to expose those strange fantasies ?

Anonymous said...

Sheena, any fool obsessed with Dustin Diamond - and calling himself "Flaming Gay Fan" - is a long-term cocksucker.

Captain Cracker said...

Punto, you smelly jungle bunny, Captain Cracker is going to cut off the internet access at the tree in the zoo from where you access this website!!! Well well well dudes, Punto is upset because the other monkeys in his cage stole his bananas and he had to eat shit for lunch !!!! Ha ha ha !!!!

I will delete more of that smelly nig's posts under other people's names!!! what a dumb coon!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You'll be a busy man, mon petit Capitaine

Anonymous said...

Punto, go to the hospital and stop from posting under other people's name, you stupid monkey !

Anonymous said...

Ah, so your nom is Sheena, then? Wow...I guessed correctly!

Anonymous said...

This is how you name and draw me in your stupid cartoons, fortunately it's still better than being a bonobo like you...

Anonymous said...

Ah, but you are Queen Of The Bonobos, ma cherie. Have you forgotten?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you enjoy the whip cracking on you...