Friday, September 26, 2008

Picture of PuntoTres at Work

That nig of PuntoTres is still on the loose!!!!!!! Captain Cracker will find him and lock him in his cage where he belongs!!!! Punto got a desk job because of job quotas for nigs. here is an actual photo of PuntoTres that was taken today. that nig ruined the suit he is wearing. you just know that he took a shit in it!!!!!! Captain Cracker will track down that smelly nig sooner or later!!!!


Anonymous said...

I prefer sooner than later...
I'm fed up with that stalker !!!

Anonymous said...

Katana/PuntoTres, your little suit disguise doesn't fool anyone!

Anonymous said...

This is the suit he had when he stepped into my salon, before requiring the pink overall and leaving with it without paying...

Anonymous said...

I am the CEO of the Men's Warehouse and sell hundreds of thousands of suits a year at my store. PuntoTres stole the suit he is wearing in this picture! He walked into our Los Angeles store and immediately stunk up the entire store with his horrible stench. He then put on the suit in the photo and then crawled out of the store. The LA cops are still looking for you!!!!

Anonymous said...

you cant have rape without an ape, katana